𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 - 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥

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𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬

"This is nice." you took a deep breath in, feeling the mist from the falling water gently tickle your face.

"Where did you get your tattoos done? They look amazing, and so detailed." you asked, the moonlight illuminating them perfectly. "I'm thinking about getting one soon.."

"There's a parlor in town called "Paradise." Ask for Hannes if you go, he does the best work."

You nodded looking over his way, watching him lean over the railing, staring at the moonlite coated water. You two stood in silence, listening to the water rushing over the rocks.

This spot never gets old, huh Levi?" Eren walked over beside him along with Mikasa.

He let out a little "Mm." in response

"You alright? You look a bit down." Mikasa frowned.

"Oh, I'm fine!" you gave her a reassuring nod.

You both huddled in next to one another, trying to keep warm as the night grew colder.

"You all ready to head back now?" Eld asked, rubbing his hands together.

"Getting too cold for you huh?" Oluo and Gunther mock him.

"Here, take my jacket Mika." Eren offered.

"Oh, thanks.." Mikasa accepted, smiling to herself.

You nudged her, smirking at her blushing from his kind gesture.

Everyone started heading up the steep hill back to the street. "Watch your step Y/n." Levi snapped, upon seeing you almost stumble.

"Gee, thanks." you say sarcastically. His tone could sound so rude at times, making you wonder what his problem was. You hadn't known this guy long at all, but it didn't take long for you to understand that he also had a really cold, and unwelcoming presence about him.

As you all were crossing the street, you heard Eren curse about something.

"Ah shit!"

You looked ahead, trying to focus your eyes to see farther. There were 6 bikers surrounding Levi's and the rest of the guys bikes.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Eld grunted, picking up his pace.

"Let me do the talking.." Levi cut him off with his arm. "..and don't you two say a god damn thing." he instructed, eyeing down Oluo and Gunther.

As you all got closer to them, you could see a tall, buff, man with wavy blonde hair. He had a weird, big grin plastered across his face.

"Something's telling me this isn't about to be a friendly encounter.." you whispered to Mikasa. "Yeah.." she added.

"Hahaha there you guys are! We were waiting for ya." the blonde man laughed crazily.

"Get behind me." Levi ordered you, and you obeyed.

"Oh, I see you've got some 'lady friends' with you too?" he stared you and Mikasa down like a hawk.

"What the hell do you want?" Levi grunted, visibly seeing him tense up.

"Oh Levi, don't play dumbass with me." the man chuckled, deepening his voice.

"We don't have it Zeke, and we aren't gonna have it." Eld chimed in.

You heard Levi sigh, giving Eld an annoyed look.

The guy did NOT like that one bit and got up from off his bike.

"Wanna say that that for me again? I couldn't quite hear you." he scoffed, slowly walking closer.

"We don't have the damn money Zeke, so get your filthy ass and the rest of your monkeys back on your bikes and get outta here." Levi raised his voice in annoyance.

You then saw Zeke reach in his side pocket, pulling out a knife. You froze, looking at Mikasa with worry. Regret filling her eyes.

You saw Eren position himself in front of Mikasa, blocking her from view.

Just then, you watched Levi reach behind his back, raising up his jacket exposing a 9mm.

You gasped at the sight, still behind Levi frozen with fear, and the fact that you were actually freezing from the cold winds.

"Or we can do this. The choice is yours.." Levi held the gun in view.

"Ha, what a coward. Too afraid to get your little hands dirty and fight like a real man, Ackerman?" Zeke chuckled.

"Get on the damn bike and leave." Levi aimed the gun towards him, with his patients running thin.

"Ahh you're no fun. None of you bastards are." Zeke affronted, hopping back on his bike. "But remember...a deal is a deal Ackerman. Next time you won't be so lucky.." he snarled, glancing over at you with that deranged smile.

And with that, they were gone and out of sight.

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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 713

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