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Adrian’s POV

Mom made meatloaf. 

It was good. Definitely needed that after the punches I got from Ryan. Honestly, I don’t even know why he picks on me. I think it started in seventh grade because I had bumped into him and he dropped his Starbucks drink. Since then, he’s kinda been a jerk. 

Meanwhile, Felix was always the ‘it’ boy. He had the looks, the athleticism, the attention. He had it all. Ryan is popular because he’s known as Felix’s little brother. 

Damn! My stomach hurts so fucking much. I checked in the mirror and saw two large bruises. I guess I’ll have to sleep on my back and risk sleep paralysis. 

But, like any teenager, I had trouble sleeping that night. I scrolled endlessly on TikTok and Twitter. I knew my eyes were gonna be sore the next morning. I’m already sleep deprived enough. 

I swear I thought I was hallucinating when I got an Instagram message notification. I had to set my phone down a bit and rub my eyes. Sure enough, it was a DM from someone. It’s already odd because I never get messages from anyone. 

I definitely thought I was dreaming when I saw who messaged me. 

It was Felix. I even confirmed it because of the pictures and amount of followers he has. And plus, I checked and Ryan was following him. It’s legit. 

I had to set the phone down and pace in my room for a while, just getting my thoughts together. Once my brain and heart had calmed down, I laid back down and fixed my hair. I don’t know why I fixed my hair, he can’t even see me.

Clicking the notification brought me to the chat. There was the warning that a random account was trying to message me. I accepted it and read his text.

Hey, Adrian. Can we talk?

He wants to talk!! Shit! About what!? Was this about the locker room? My fingers were shaking when I typed my response.


Plain and simple. Not too eager but at least he knows I am invested. Why is he texting me at 12 AM?

I just wanted to apologize for what my brother did earlier in the locker room. I’ve seen how he treats you. I think it’s fucked up and I’ve talked to him about it :( 

Why is he apologizing for Ryan? Can’t Ryan do it himself? And there were many times when Felix could’ve interfered and stopped Ryan. Something fishy is going on here.

Oh, well, thanks. Ryan apologizing himself would’ve been better.

Yeah, he’s very stubborn. 
I saw you wearing a The Office shirt earlier. You a fan?

Oh shit! I thought he was just apologizing! But I think he’s trying to strike up a conversation.

Hell yeah! I’ve watched it over a dozen times!

Me too! My favorite episode is Jim and Pam’s wedding.

Same. I wanna recreate the dancing scene!

Which is your least favorite episode?

Oof! That’s easy. Scott’s Tots. 

Really? That makes sense. I kinda like the awkwardness of it. One of my favs :) 

-_- not even gonna ask why. Don’t make me strangle you.

Still think Toby is the Scranton Strangler. You can’t change my mind.

Oh my God, he’s my soulmate.


thank you for reading!!! vote or whatever people say!!


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