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Adrian's POV

Taking a break from school is just a temporary solution for right now. I'm sure there's a better way to deal with this, like going to therapy or telling everyone at school that Felix is a lying cunt. But I'm not that type of person. I'm the type to hide and avoid shame.

It's been two days since I left school on Monday. I've managed to keep up on my work thanks to Google Classroom. I don't have any friends so no one has checked up on me.

Meanwhile, Felix texted me all day when I ditched school. He kept asking me if I was okay and that we needed to talk. But I ignored him, and eventually blocked him.

I think he's gotten the message because I haven't gotten a single text since. It's all silent on my end. And that's how I like it. No distractions, no one to annoy me. Just me, in my bed, and Steve Carell and John Krasinski.

There was a knock on my door. In came my mom, giving me a pitiful look. I wonder if she knows about what's happening? "Honey, you need to go to school." She said.

"Can't, mom. I'm sick." I pretended to cough. However, she's my mom. She knows when I'm bullshitting.

"I know you're not sick. Whatever is going on, I'm sure it'll go away soo." She said.

"Mom! I don't want to go to school! Okay! Please! Just let me stay! Or homeschool me! Please, mom?" I pleaded.

"We've talked about this before. Homeschooling isn't a good idea. You just have two more years left, then you'll go to college and leave everything behind."

I huffed and didn't respond.

"Just go tomorrow. If you still feel sick, I'll pick you up, m'kay?" She asked.

"Fine. But be prepared to pick me up before first period begins." I told her.

She walked out of my room, while I began getting anxious for tomorrow.

It all went by in a flash, and now I was looking at the huge prison, waiting to walk in. I wore a hoodie today, something I never wear because I think they're abominations. I brought it to hide my face and made sure it's big enough to cover my lower areas.

Every class was the same. Stares and whispers while I tried to do work. It's like no one has anything better to do. At one point, someone asked if it was me in the picture. I didn't answer because someone else answered for me.

I also happened to notice the word 'Slut' lightly written on almost every desk I sat in.

I think the person who made it worse was Ryan. Especially in the locker rooms when we were changing for PE, he loudly announced for the room while I was changing about the stuff with Felix. The weird looks the guys gave me made me fell disgusting. The prying eyes of everyone shook me, and I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there. Once everyone was gone, I gathered my stuff and went to the study hall early.

I wiped my tears away and picked up my phone. Just as I was about to text my mom, I held myself back. If I was gonna be the talk of the town, I might as well try to hold out.

Right as I was leaving the hall, Felix was also walking past me. We made brief eye contact and quickly looked away.

Despite what he did, I miss him. I miss our talks and when he would talk about random things. Or when he would grab my hand while he was driving. Even if the relationship was a lie, it truly felt real. At least I got a chance to have a high school romance, even if it left me broken.

I turned around to see Felix, and he also turned around to see me. His eyes held sadness, and possibly regret.

I was expecting something out of a romcom, where he would run after me and kiss me and yell to the whole school that he does in fact love me. He didn't do that. He understands that I don't want to hear him right now.

My mind disconnected from the real world. Just a husk of a person. On autopilot, going about my day.

My current situation is worse than pre-Felix. Because back then, yeah, I was alone. But at least no one knew me as a slut and a fool. Now, I'm alone again but I feel their eyes all over me.

The spark in me has died now. I used to clutch hard in life, trying not to fall.

And now, I've fallen hard.


yoooooooo +1k reads!!!! this is insane!!! truly, thank you all! i sometime forget that there's people out there who actually read my work.

kisses to you all! may your ass get eaten soon <3

kk, adios <3 until next time!

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