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Adrian's POV

"Let's go, let's go, Sin-clair! Sin-clair!" The audience chanted from the stands. Tonight our school, the Sinclair Bears, are playing against the Frederick Douglas Bobcats. I sat in the bleachers, a little to the side in case there's an accident and I could be the first to leave. I overthink like that.

I'm a bit confusion about the score. I'm not sure if we're winning or losing but judging from how our side is reacting, I think the game is still going. Sports isn't my strong suit. Neither are academics. I'm sort of in that blend of 'not Einstein smart but not Patrick Star stupid'.

During break, the boys were drinking water and just chilling. Felix removed his helmet, his wet hair from sweat was so attractive to me. Several girls cheered him on when he gave high fives to the audience.

His eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on me. Like some coming-of-age teen flick, he gave me a wink and waved at me. I lightly waved back at him. I hoped no one noticed.

Or so I thought.

As I was getting ready to walk home, I felt someone grab my sweater from behind and pull me back.

It was Ryan's bitchass.

"Why did my brother wave at you?" He angrily asked.

"Are you his fucking caretaker? Why do you care? He's allowed to wave to whomever he wants." I replied.

"Don't think that someone cares for you. I bet Felix was waving at someone else." He seethed. If we was an animal, he would probably be growling and foaming at the mouth.

"Whatever you say. Now let me go, you neanderthal. Your hands are ruining my sweater." He rubbed his dirty hands all over the fabric, leaving black stains. I don't even want to know what it is.

"Get the fuck out of here, faggot!" He pushed me away.

"Asshole." I mumbled under my breath. Ryan gave me a glare. Felix called out for him from the parking lot. Ryan hesitated but decided not to do anything tonight and ran off.

Yeah, runaway you little bitch. That's why I'm tonguing your brother.

Mom and dad were up again tonight. I managed to ignored them but made sure to make enough noise to let them know that I'm alive. They've been acting different around me. I wonder if they know that I'm seeing someone...

I changed out of my clothes. I looked at my sweater and the stain Ryan left. It's probably some car grease but it's most likely not coming off. Such a shame. I really liked this cashmere. I was finally able to grunt and relief when my back landed on my soft bed. I hope Felix texts me tonight.

How was I today?

I don't know anything about football, but I would say you were the shit!

Ryan was asking me about me waving at you...

What did you say?

I told him that we were friends.

Oh shit! I have a feeling that Ryan's gonna be upset that his brother is talking to me. Ryan's head is so far up Felix's ass I don't know where Ryan's head begins and Felix's ass starts.

I don't think you know that you put another target on my back...
Ryan isn't gonna like our "friendship"

Chill, baby cakes.
I let him know that you're cool. He wasn't too happy that we're talking but as long as he knows we're cool I think he'll leave you alone.

Do you ever plan on coming out?

The burning question had been asked.

I'm not sure. It's a lot to come out. And there's so much I can lose.

That's code for he's never coming out. If you ever plan on dating a DL guy and he says that, don't get your hopes up. And that's what I did.

So now I'm left wondering if I want to be someone's secret. And how long would this go? Until Felix leaves for college? I don't think so.

I understand.

Not really. But he's Felix Anderson. I'll do anything for him, as would the rest of the world. As long as I don't lose my sanity, I think I can be his secret. But I have to remember to keep my dignity in tact. I'm not risking myself for some guy.


whoops! uploaded late.



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