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Adrian’s POV

I have no idea what time it is. My neck already hurts from the position I decided to sleep. I know it's my own fault because I always manage to find a way to sleep in the worst position possible.

“ADRIAN! YOU’RE GONNA BE LATE!” Mom yelled from downstairs. I swiped my phone from its charging place and checked. 

Fuck! Class is starting in five minutes! Well… I’m already late. Might as well take this time to relax. Mom and dad didn’t wake me up because they say I’m old enough to do it on my own. This wasn’t an issue until today.

The realization finally came of last night when I turned on my phone and saw the chat. Nope, I wasn’t dreaming. I actually talked to Felix Anderson. I checked our chat history. It started with an apology, then talking about TV shows, and then with how weird our families are. The last message was of him telling me goodnight with a heart emoji.

Does the heart emoji mean more? No, it doesn’t. I bet he texts like that to all of his friends. It felt nice to finally talk to someone else but myself. I really came out of my shell with Felix. I have no idea how he got my Insta, he hasn’t followed me yet. Maybe last night was just a fluke and will never happen again.

“Late today, are we?” Mom said as I rushed past her. 

“No time to talk! Gotta go!” I rushed and grabbed an apple that I plan on having two bites and throwing the rest away. At first, I ran to school but decided to walk the rest of the way.

Entering school, dread took over me. It was already second period, meaning I have to see Ryan again. Everyone in class turned to look at me when I opened the door. I walked to my seat in the back but had to pass Ryan.

I can’t walk past this guy without him hurting me. He flicked his finger and hurt my balls. I had to hold it in and reach my seat to finally groan in pain. It hurt so fucking much but I’d rather keep my pain secret.

Just like the day prior in the locker room, Ryan managed to hurt me a bit. He also stomped on my clothes and dirtied them. So I guess I won’t be changing again.

Felix was once again watching me from a distance. He gave me a sympathetic look. Maybe if he came over and helped me I would feel better but the idea that he kinda cares for me a bit warms me. Look at me, willing to take a beating just for Felix to look at me.

“Hey, sweetie! How was school?” Mom asked me. 

“It was okay. Kinda tired right now.” I said and rubbed my right arm.

“Your father is coming late so we might be having dinner without him.”

“Is it okay that I eat dinner later also?” I asked. Now I feel bad cause mom is gonna be eating dinner alone.

“Sure. Just make sure you wash your plate afterwards. Love you.” She kissed my head and went back to cleaning while I ran to my room. My arm was bruised so bad it hurt when I took off my sweater. 

My arm was swelling up. I don’t think that’s good. At least it’s my right arm and I use my left mainly so at least I can still do my homework. 

Later that night after having dinner with dad, the notification came on my phone. As I guessed, it was Felix.



About earlier. Sorry about Ryan again. I swear I talked to him but he’s obviously not that smart.

You got that right…

I promise I’ll keep trying to get through to him.

Don’t bother. It won’t do much. He’s gonna keep doing it.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I was looking forward to talking to you all day.


Yeah. Last nights convo was fun. You free right now?

I looked around my room and saw the empty paper that I needed to write an essay about Tom Sawyer. 

Yeah I’m free right now.


bye y'all!


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