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Adrian's POV

A stinging sensation was felt in the back of my head when I sat in class. I tried to ignore it at first but it was a feeling I shouldn't shake off. I thought maybe I was bleeding but when I touched the back of my head and checked my fingers, there was nothing.

Then I realized it was a mental pain, not a physical one. It's that feeling you get when someone is watching you. You know? That paranoia like when you're walking home at night and it feels like you're being watched?

So I turned around to see if anyone was watching me. Sure enough, I saw Ryan at me giving me a hard stare. When he noticed I was looking at him, he turned away and looked forward to the front of the classroom.

That's odd. Why would Ryan be staring at me? He's been leaving me alone for so long.

"Mr. Jenkins!" My history teacher yelled. I turned and saw him giving me an angry glare.

"Umm, yeah?" I asked. My classmates were all silent, watching as the quiet kid got yelled at.

"What's the answer to the question?" He asked, his hands on his hips.

"Uhhh... divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived?" I said the first thing that came into my head.

History teacher exhaled, obviously disappointed. "No, Adrian. We're talking about- nevermind. Pay attention!" He said and turned back to teaching. The board had an American and British flag, so, I guess I got it wrong.

I just sat on my desk thinking about Felix. And the fact that I lost my virginity to him. It's sweet, really. And it feels like Felix and I have gotten closer since that night. Our bond has gotten stronger, and I'm starting to wonder if my feelings for him have switched to more than liking him.

I brought up my weird encounter with Ryan to Felix.

"Oh, well, it's Ryan. He's always weird." Felix the Cat told me.

"But it doesn't make sense. Ryan ignores me and stops harassing me and now he's staring at me from across the room. Don't you think that seems weird to you?" I said.

Felix rolled over onto his belly, his legs kicking back and forth behind him. "You're looking into this too much. I bet Ryan was probably just staring at your sweater." He said.

"Hmm. I guess." I wanted to let the subject go, but for Felix's sake, I'll just ignore it.

"We don't have any pictures together." Felix said, placing his chin on my legs.

"Let's do it!" I jumped up onto my knees. Felix's head slammed into the blanket we laid out on the grass.

"Do what?" He asked as he began to get up.

"Let's take photos together!"

"We're in the middle of a park. What are we even supposed to do?" He asked.

"Anything!" I said to him. He seemed to get the idea as a smile spread on his face.

He got up and held out his hand to me. "Join me." He whispered. I grabbed his hand and stood up. He bent me back and kissed me on the lips.

I pulled out my phone sneakily and took a selfie of us like this. I turned to the camera while he kissed my cheek.

It was a perfect photo. Him kissing me, and my eyes full of admiration for someone else.

If only I could put it on my lock screen or as my profile picture. But I know Felix wouldn't like that. Which is a shame because I want everyone to know that he's mine and no one else can have him.

As I looked at our pictures, I stupidly smiled to myself. When Felix leaves, I'll have something to look back on. The moments captured on a few pixels that contain memories and emotions. Whether Felix keeps his pictures to himself or deletes them eventually is up to him.

But when he was looking at his pictures, smiling to himself and looking up at me, I could feel that I'm an important part of him.


good luck next year! hope you get some bitches!


The Bully's Brother ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora