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Adrian's POV

Once Ryan called Felix to pick him up, we had to cut our small makeout session short. We did sneak in an extra minute of kisses but all that did was give Felix a barrage of texts from Ryan.

"I'll text you later, right?" He said to me. God he's so fucking hot looking at me like I'm the most important thing to him right now.

"Yeah! I'll be waiting for your text." I replied. He drove and parked few blocks away from where I live.

"Goodnight! Thanks for this, by the way. It was an amazing night." Felix gave me a final peck before I hopped out of his car.

"Nighty night. See you on Monday." I responded. I shut the door and he drove off into the night. Felix is one of those people who can drive with one hand while the other holds your hand. That's the epitome of sexiness.

I walked with a skip in my step . I didn't even care that it was freezing outside and my nipples were on the verge of falling off. I just got my first kiss with Felix. And I know that there's more to come.

The living room light was still on. I entered and my mom and dad were watching TV. "Hey honey, how was the game?" Mom asked.

"It was great, no, amazing!" God I feel like I'm on Cloud 9. A delirious sensation was over me.

"Is he on drugs?" Dad asked Mom. "Did you take drugs?" Dad now asked me directly.

"No! Not at all!" I was blushing so hard at this point. Mom leaned over and whispered something in dad's ear. His eyes widened and quickly went back to normal as if nothing happened.

"Oh, well. You're a teen. If you ever do drugs, just make sure you have a trip buddy with you." Dad muttered out.

"Dad. What the actual- no! I'm going to bed!" I marched up the stairs.

"It's a Friday! Don't sleep too early!" Mom yelled back.

I quickly locked my door before they could barge in and continue to humiliate me. I quickly changed out of my clothes, tossing everything all over the room. I'll clean it up tomorrow.

I started acting like one of those love-struck girls, clutching my pillow and giggling into it. I deadass just had my first kiss. And it was like what everyone says it was. Magical. I can still feel Felix's lips on mine. His soft, pink lips. I bet he uses Burt's Bees.

During his football match, I wasn't paying attention to anybody but him. Everything he did was to perfection. But I don't know anything about football. He could've been playing soccer and I would have screamed "touchdown!" when he scored a goal.

Hey A!!

He texted me!! Oh shit! What do I say? Do I mention the kiss? Profess my undying love and devotion to him? He's probably lying in his bed sexily with his sexy clothes in his sexy room with his sexy self.


Well, I just said that so blandly. Can't take it back.

What did you think of tonight?

Maybe one of my top three days.

Three? What are the others?

When I went to Taylor Swift's Reputation tour. And also when I got my first sweater.

I guess I'm flattered that I'm that important.

What are you up to right now?

Nothing. Just got back from the game. Was gonna hang with the team but I didn't feel like it.

Attached was a selfie of him on his bed. He was shirtless and his skin was a golden tan. I wish I could run my hand through his chest. I zoomed in and noticed his V-line was exposed. Either he had no clothes under his blanket or his shorts were pulled too low. Not that I'm complaining.

I think my parents are having sex in the living room right now.

Sounds fun ;)
Takes two to tango, ya know...

If he's insisting what I think he's insisting I will jump out my window.

Oh well I only know how to salsa dance. Soz

God, you're so weird.
I like it

Cue my second death of the night.


v-lines are so fucking hot



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