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Felix's POV

Sexuality has always been a touchy subject for me. I think it started in ninth grade when Erin Sweetheart made out with me after my first football game and offered to give me a blowjob. I wanted it but didn't want it. Like it more of a "I'll settle for this" kinda thing. Then in the summer before 10th grade, I hooked up with Rachel Ram. It felt good but that was it.

I began to look deeper if there was something wrong with me. Cause all my other friends would talk about their "conquests" and the women they would hook up with. Me? I was ogling Henry Cavill. The ball started rolling from this point on.

Then 10th grade started. At first, nothing happened. It was the same old-same old. However, there came a particular figure. Quiet, shy, and heavily abused by my younger brother, Ryan.

This innocent guy had nice brown hair, deep brown eyes, and was skinny. That ball rolling that I mentioned earlier came to a halt at the finish line.

It took me some time to figure out his name. Adrian Jenkins. 9th grade. Only child. Average GPA. Suffers from mild anxiety. And was the guy who held my attention.

Everyone else became pawns and Adrian was the sunshine in my life. It was at this point when I realized that I was gay. Of course, I never accepted it. That's why I never helped Adrian when he was bullied by my brother. Cause I knew that even one touch from him would confirm my suspicions.

Then recently I had a revelation. I have one year of high school left. They say your high school years are the best of your life. And while we all know that's bullshit, I should at least find something to occupy my mind from sports and school.

Using my charm, I managed to look through school records and find Adrian's personal phone number. Then I added his contact to my phone and went on Instagram to my contact list and found his account. He was on private and followed no one from school.

Next, I needed to find a reason to talk to him. The day came when I saw Ryan punch Adrian. I watched him for a while to make sure he was okay and managed to get up. When he was able to, I left and planned my text. It took me four hours to get the courage to DM him first.

The rest is history.

So here I am, shivering from anxiety next to the locker room door. Adrian was meeting me here tonight. I'm not expecting much. But this will be our first time talking face to face since I asked him out.

"Felix?" I heard a soft voice call out to me.

"Adrian?" I asked back.

"Where are you?" He whispered back. Here he was. Just on the other side of this door. All I have to do is open it and see the guy I've had a crush on for a long time.

I opened the door and sadly released the disgusting smell from inside of the locker room to enter the outside world. I stepped out and saw Adrian standing there in his signature sweater.

"Hi." I said in a deep voice.

"Hey." He said back. Aww, he's blushing.

"Let's go to my car." I said. I held out my hand for him to grab. From one of his texts, this is his first relationship. I've had relationships in the past. They only lasted like two weeks each. I'm determined to make this one work.

I opened my car door for him on the passenger side. We aren't going anywhere. Just staying in here to talk.

"What do we do, exactly?" He asked.

"I guess we just talk like in our chats." I said. He cleared his throat and turned his entire body to face me. He's giving me his entire attention.

There are those times in our lives when we feel a strong connection with someone. That final click that turns on the lights. That's how it was talking to Adrian. Both of us were awkward at first. Then slowly we began to talk like we've known each other our entire lives.

My phone chimes and there was a text from Ryan asking me to pick him up from Wendy's down the street.

"Already?" Adrian asked.

"Sorry, A. But I have to pick up my brother."

"Oh, him." He had a disgusted look on his face.

"I know you don't like him. I'm not gonna force you to like him." I said to him.

"I just wish you could one day stop him from hitting me." He softly said. I reached my hand over to place it on his right cheek.

"I'm sorry I'm not doing enough-"

"No." He cut me off. "You talking to me is already enough. I'll deal with the abuse if I have to."

I instantly leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips.

A puzzled look came on his face. Maybe I should've asked him if it was okay to do that.

"Come on, you can do better than that." He said. A smirk came on my face.

"Bet." Is all I said before leaning in and kissing him longer. His lips began to move also and sync with mine. A few moans came and soon our tongues touched. I've had tongue kisses before but this one felt better and much intimate.

That's when my phone started vibrating again. Adrian and I split and were panting before I picked up my phone and answered Ryan.

"Where the hell are you?!" Ryan yelled.

"On my way." I responded before hanging up. "How was I?" I asked Adrian.

"Perfect. It was perfect." He said. He put his head on my shoulder, sighing in content.

It was indeed perfect.


hi, i love you :)


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