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Adrian's POV

"Get in." Felix said when he pulled up his car next to me on the sidewalk. His football game had ended a few minutes prior. And Felix, being the DL guy he is, told me to wait outside the school to pick me up.

I got in his car and quickly plugged in the aux cord to my phone.

"Hang on! Who said you can control the music?" He asked.

"I'm shotgun! It's the law that I play DJ." I responded. He tried to argue but I refused to hand the cord over. I blasted soft music and was looking outside the window.

"Wanna go somewhere fun?" Felix asked.

"Like where?"

"Ever heard of Darla's Cliff?" He asked. I quickly turned to him, staring at his smug face.

"Uh, yeah! That's where people go when they're in love, right?" I asked.

"Mhm. I've got snacks and blankets for us." He said. I turned to look at the back seat and saw there were those items there.

I've always wanted to go to Darla's Cliff. It's on the side of a mountain, a bit away from town. The cliff is known to be a place where lovers go and solidify their love by carving the side of a tree.

Darla's Cliff is actually the place where my mom and dad solidified their love. They always told me of the birch tree they carved their name into. I've seen pictures of it but could never go see it in person because my parents told me that I'll go one day with the person I love.

And now I'm going there! With the idiot next to me!

The scenery around us changed from urban to woods and slowly the car began to go up the mountain. Felix kept blabbering about something while I sat here hoping he knows how to drive and doesn't drive off the cliff.

"We're here!" He said and parked in a dirt path. I went ahead to look at the city while Felix brought over the snacks. The blanket was now on the floor and he sat on it, watching me while I watched the city.

"Have you brought anyone else here before?" I asked.

"Uh-uh. No one else. You're the only person who I've felt was worthy to come." He told me. I jumped into him and straddled with my legs. I bent down to kiss him while we both laughed at nothing.

"I fucking love you." Felix muttered out. I stopped kissing his neck and stared into his eyes. He caught what he'd said, but didn't say anything.

"You love me?" I asked, trying not to freak out.

"I uh..." He quieted and just stared into my eyes. That thing that people say when someone's pupils expand when they look at someone they love is true because Felix's pupils have never been bigger. "I do, Adrian Jenkins. I fucking love you." He confirmed.

I was just silent. Flabbergasted. Shocked. Scared.

"No one's ever loved me like you have." I said before pulling him in and planting my lips on him. "I love you too, Felix Anderson."

"Glad we're on the same page." He said as he hugged me close to him. I heard him sigh next to my ear.

This just complicated things. Before we fell in love, I was hesitant to get close to Felix because not only is he closeted, but there may come a time when we both have to say goodbye. 'I love you' is a scary phrase, both good and bad. It's changed everything about us.

"You look scared." Felix said. He pushed my hair behind my ear.

"It's nothing." I replied.

"Doesn't look like nothing. You can tell me anything." He told me.

"Well, you love me, right?" I asked.

"That's what I said earlier..."

"Kay. And love is a strong thing. It's not something meant to be concealed. Does this change your future plans?" I asked.

"I think it does. It took me a while to find the courage to say that to you. And now, I don't know what to do. I've done so many things I never do with anyone else with you. I've gone on dates with you, taken a couple's pictures, let you stay the night, and brought you here. I feel bad because I'm preventing us from having a normal relationship." He cupped my cheek and rubbed his fingers on my cheekbone.

"Come out when you want to come out. Don't feel like you have to because of me. I'll be fine, just as long as I have you to look forward to." I said.

"I'll keep that in mind, Adrian." He replied.

I leaned my head into his shoulder as we both looked to the city at night. From the distance, the bright glow of San Francisco can be seen.

"Do you have a knife?" I asked Felix.

"Are you gonna kill me?" He jokingly asked. He pulled out his car keys and handed me his pocket knife.

"Nah. You're too valuable for that." I said before standing up and turning on my phone flashlight. I began to scour the surrounding area, looking for the birch tree. Felix followed close behind.

I stopped my search when I spotted my parents name carved on the side of a tree.

"Erin+Paul" Felix said from behind me.

"They're my parents. They also came here during high school and later got married." I told him.

"Let's carve our names too!" He said.

"On it!" I quickly said and pulled out the knife.

Carving the tree was a difficult task, but not impossible. Right underneath my parent's name was now mine and Felix's.

"Perfecto!" Felix said when I finished. I stepped back to admire my work before Felix came up behind and took me away to eat our snacks.

Forever engrained on the tree will be Adrian+Felix.


hey y'all. i'm sorry...

you'll see why in the next chapter :)


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