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Adrian's POV

"I'm outside your place, Adrian." Felix said into the phone. I looked down from my window and saw Felix leaning against the hood of his car.

I sucked in my stomach, knowing that Felix was going to be doing the effort to prove that he's worthy. Whether he succeeds, we'll see. But I'm betting it all that he will.

"Where are you going?" Mom asked me. I was about to open the front door when both mom and dad ambushed me.

"Out." I said. My hand grabbed the doorknob and opened it. Felix was at the front door already.

"Who's your friend?" Dad asked.

"This is Felix Anderson." I said, presenting an awkward Felix to my family.

"An Anderson? Interesting..." Dad replied. He held out his hand to Felix who shook it.

"Paul Jenkins, I'm Adrian's dad. And this here is my lovely wife, Erin Jenkins." Dad said.

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Felix Anderson. Your son's boyfriend." Felix said. Dad and mom both gave each other a look.

I glared at Felix. He realized what he'd said and quickly turned around and raced to his car. I looked at my parents who were whispering to each other.

"I told you!" Mom whispered to dad.

"I thought he was gonna tell us himself!" Dad replied to my mom. Choosing not to stick around, I snuck out and ran to my car.

Felix was already in his car and had it turned on. I hopped into the passenger seat.

"What did you do?!" I said to him.

"I thought you were out to your parents!" Felix replied.

"Not yet! I was planning to soon! Now they know that I'm gay and already have a boyfriend!" I said.

"Oh, my bad, heh..." Felix said. I turned to look at the window of my home and saw mom and dad looking at us in the car.

"Drive! Drive right now!" I told Felix quickly. He turned on his car and quickly pulled out from the front of the house.

"Sorry I did that. I just wanted to take the leap, starting with your parents." Felix apologized.

"Not gonna say it's fine. But at least my parents didn't freak out at me. So, we'll see until later." I said.

Felix kept driving with one hand while his right hand tried to get closer to my hand. He wanted to hold my hand, something he used to do pre-picture incident.

"Where are we going?" I asked Felix, trying to ignore my desire to hold his hand.

"We're going to that one boba shop on Miller Avenue." He said.

"Miller Ave? Isn't that...?"

"Right next to our school? Yeah, it is." He responded.

"Aren't you worried people'll see?" I asked.

Felix stopped at a red light and grabbed my hand after so long of teasing. "Maybe I want them to see." He said.

Once we reached the boba shop, a wave of nerves rushed over me. I'm expecting Felix to rush over to his car right now and speed away.

But the moment he held my hand and opened the door for me let me know that Felix was in this for the long run.

"One black tea and one taro milk tea, please?" Felix said.

I watched in awe as Felix paid for our drinks and gave me an adorable smile.

"How am I doing so far?" He asked me.

"Pretty good. You're on your way to earning a kiss." I told him.

"I sure hope so..." Felix replied. There is now that awkward moment when you're waiting for your order but boba shops are run by underpaid teens who are overworked.

"Felix?" Some said from behind us. He turned and saw one of his baseball buddies coming in.

"Lonny! How you been!" Felix asked. The two exchanged words for a while until Lonny looked down at our hands connected.

"Are you two a thing?" He asked.

"Mhm. He's my boyfriend." Felix said to him. Lonny was silent for a moment.

"Cool. That's cool." Lonny said. He turned when it was his turn to order. "Don't let me stop y'all. Enjoy your day!" And he left.

I sighed in relief. "I thought I was gonna get hate crimed..." I said.

"Lonny's cool. He wouldn't hurt anyone." Felix reminded me.

Our order was called and once we had our drinks in hand, we left the store.

"Where to now?" I asked Felix.

"Anywhere you want." He replied.

I'm starting to feel a shift in Felix now. No longer is he the paranoid DL guy. Now, he's Felix, my boyfriend and proud to be so.


hi! i finished watching the white lotus and need show recommendations!

btw, only five chapters left. their story is coming to an end :(

well, bye <3

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