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Yeji's class had just ended, and Lia rushed to her class as quickly as she could. However, to her surprise, Yeonjun was already there waiting for Yeji, leaving Lia confused.

"What are you doing here, Yeonjun?" Lia asked with a hint of annoyance, hoping that he wasn't there to bother her dear friend.

"I'm waiting for Yeji. She said we could talk after class," Yeonjun replied, turning his gaze towards the shorter girl. Yeji was packing her things up when she saw Yeonjun and Lia interacting. She realized that she hadn't told Lia anything yet.

Yeji walked over to the two.

 "Are you sure she said that?" Lia had a suspicious expression on her face.

"It's okay, Lia. I told him we could talk after class." She reassures her friend. "Can you wait a little? I'm sorry for not letting you know earlier," Yeji said, pursing her lips and glancing between the two figures, the height difference clear.

"Okay," Lia said, walking a little off to the side to text the group chat about it. Before she walked away, she looked at her best friend curiously and suspiciously.

Yeji had usually declined talking to Yeonjun alone because they always ended up fighting. She was aware of that.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Yeji adjusted the strap of her backpack and stepped towards the side so other students could get out of the classroom. Yeonjun followed.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday at the arcade. I know I haven't been a good boyfriend, and I'm going to try and change that. I'm also really sorry about interacting with those girls yesterday and leaving you outside," Yeonjun said, his eyes down as he scratched his neck. Yeji felt like he was being sincere, which was unusual for him. She believed that he wanted to change.

But she wasn't entirely convinced that he could change for good.

One more chance wouldn't hurt.

"Realizing that means a lot to me," Yeji said, her gaze shifting away from Yeonjun as she felt a sense of embarrassment wash over her. She still missed their little dates and rides to school, despite how poorly he treated her in the past.

"I promise to treat you better from now on," Yeonjun replied, reaching for her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. As they gazed into each other's eyes, they both realized how much they had missed being together.

"Thank you for being sincere," Yeji said, a small smile spreading across her face. Lia watched from the side, curious about what they were talking about but sensing that it was important. This was the first time she had seen Yeonjun act so serious, and his expression seemed softer than usual.

Yeonjun asked Yeji if she could come to his practice tomorrow. Yeji thought about it, realizing that it coincided with Ryujin's tryouts, which did not allow viewers. However, she decided to accept Yeonjun's invitation.

"Sure! What time tomorrow?" Yeji asked.

"After school," Yeonjun replied with a smile, pleased with her response.

Yeji's smile grew bigger, hoping that their relationship could return to normal. "Okay, see you then?" she asked.

"Of course. Have a good day," Yeonjun replied before leaving. Lia quickly approached Yeji and began to fire questions at her.

"What did you guys talk about? Did he ask you out again? Why did you both look so serious? And why were you smiling so big? What happened, girl??" Lia spoke all of that in one breath, yet she did not seem fazed by it, not even taking a deep breath.

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