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From your future girlfriend and wife,

                   Shin Ryujin


tears instantly streamed down her face as her eyes slowly read the three last words of the letter. her heart felt overwhelmed with these fluttery feelings that felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest.

this letter was too unexpected for the girl, her emotions were not exactly confusing, but more on the charming side.

she folded the paper and placed it into her pocket as she noticed a tear had stained it, there was another paper that was hanging by the door handle, so she grabbed it and scanned the words.

'you can open now :) as long as you've read the letter' yeji smiled and set the paper aside, putting her hand on the handle and slowly pressing down, pulling it open.

the familiar breeze hit her once again, making her feel more calmed. yeji's eyes landed on the beautiful view in front of her. the grass had the same snack laid all over, forming a question.


ryujin stood right behind the letters, waving her hand with her whisker dimple smile. yeji giggled to herself before the tears had continued to flow down her face, this was too much, maybe she was being emotional, but she would never trade this for anything else.

it was a precious night and a memorable one.

"do you accept?" ryujin shouted from her position, she also felt the tears building up in her eyes after seeing the older girl cry in front of her. "are you upset? or are you touched? I can't tell!"

yeji started to laugh, displaying her wide and beautiful smile that ryujin loved most.

ryujin smiled and walked over the snacks, approaching her crush that was laughing and crying at the same time, it was confusing, but it was an adoring sight.

"your laugh is beautiful, yeddeong." she muttered as she got close. "can I be your girlfriend?"

yeji looked at the younger with sincere eyes, the salty tears were still streaming, it didn't seem like it was going to stop any time soon.

"yes, a million times, yes!" she exclaimed and wrapped her arms around the blonde, tightening it and swaying their bodies together as if there was music playing.

"I adore you." ryujin mumbled into her shoulder as she closed her eyes, savouring this moment and capturing it in her mind.


"it's okay if you're speechless, it means my surprise went well." ryujin chuckled at the older's hesitation.

"...thank you, ryujin." yeji smiled as they pulled back, she looked around the backyard and found it oddly warm now that ryujin was in front of her.

"it's only us?" she asked.

"mhm, only us, for now." ryujin smiled and her eyes examined yeji's features one by one, the admiration in her pupils were visible, it made the older feel a little flustered under her gaze.

"...can I kiss you?" ryujin asks, her eyes darting between her lips and eyes.

without a verbal response, yeji smiles and wraps her arms around ryujin's nape, pulling her closer and making their lips softly collide. as the two of them melts into the kiss, ryujin's hands eventually travelled to the other's waist, pulling her closer if that was even possible. they smiled in between the kisses, parting for a few seconds for oxygen, then gluing their lips back together.

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