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I wondered who could be calling me at 6:40 AM. I rolled over to check the caller ID, and it read 'Abu 🤍'. Seriously, it's too early. My voice was raspy and close to cracking when I answered, "Hello?" There was silence on the other end for a few seconds before she replied.

"I'm picking you up today. We're going somewhere this morning," she said in her morning voice that always made my ears melt.

"Why? We have school today," I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes and leaning against the backboard.

"Because I want to spend time with my best friend before anyone else does," she replied.

"Well, okay. Give me like 20 minutes."

"I'm outside your door already."

"What?!" I jumped out of bed, slipped on my panda slippers, and ran out of my room.

"Oh, you're up-"

"Good morning, Mom!" I quickly said and ended the call. I walked to the door, opened it, and saw her waving with a smile that showed off her full whisker dimples. If I weren't dating someone, I might have fallen for her right then and there.


"God.. You're seriously here and didn't give me time to prepare?" I scratched my head and squinted due to the brightness outside.

"Of course, ever heard of me being late?" I shook my head and she chuckled.

"Do I hear Ryujin?" I heard my mom shout from the kitchen.

"Hurry and come in, my mom probably missed you." I stepped aside and let her inside, then quickly closed the door.

We made our way to the kitchen to greet my mom. I asked Ryujin to wait while I went to get ready for wherever she wanted to take me. After preparing myself, I descended the staircase to find my mom and Ryujin cooking together.

As expected, two home chefs working in perfect harmony.

"I've missed cooking with you. You should come over more often, Ryujin," my mom said, patting her back as they put the finishing touches on the plates. Ryujin chuckled in response.

"Maybe I will," she said, glancing at me before waving me over. "Come eat, the food is ready."

With a smile, I made my way over to the breakfast table and sat down. My mom turned to us, excitedly saying, "Tell me how it is. Ryujin and I made it together!"

I walked into the kitchen, and the aroma of the food made by my mom and best friend was delightful. It was amazing to see how they both loved cooking. I wondered if Yeonjun could cook so that he could also bond with my mom.

My mom eagerly asked if the food was good before I even picked up my fork. I chuckled and started eating. The flavor was incredible, and I was impressed. As I was chewing, my eyes widened, and I covered my mouth.

The two of them high-fived and cheered before sitting down to eat. I smiled at their interaction and continued eating while they also savored their food.

My mom suddenly put her fork down and looked at me. "Yeji, if you marry someone one day, let it be someone who knows how to cook well and has good manners! Or you could just marry Ryujin since she is the perfect fit!" she joked, and I froze. 

Marry Ryujin?

I glanced over at Ryujin, who had the same reaction as me, except her ears were bright red and she looked down.

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