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it's saturday.

no calls or messages from yeji.

I've tried to call her but it always ended up going to voicemail, I've also tried messaging her to see if she'd at least respond or tell me that she's doing okay. but no.

I figured that I should visit her face to face and somehow solve this problem that was created by minyoung.

how I love my life right now.

I went downstairs from my room after I showered, I decided to bring her some brownies and ice cream over so we could hang out or something.

"has she replied?" mom asked.

"nope, I'm going to her house today." I smiled tightly, putting the brownies in a nice container and the ice cream in another container filled with ice. hopefully, this will work.

"stay safe now!" mom reminded me as I walked to the front door, slipping my feet into my comfortable shoes, grabbing the keys and opening the door.

"will do! bye, mom." I waved sloppily and headed out the door, embracing the cool air that was awaiting me.


three knocks and a cold breath.

in my left hand was the bag of the snacks I had brought over, including the brownies and the ice cream. I had only waited a few seconds before the door opened, I expected mrs. hwang to be the one in front of me, and I was fortunately wrong.



there goes the entrance.

as soon as our eyes had met earlier, the surprise was written over her face as if she wasn't expecting me at all. did she even look through the small peek hole?

I breathed in and out slowly, preparing myself for this long discussion we would have later—or maybe not, I just hope that she was understanding or at least able to listen to what I wanted to clear up.

"please open..." I requested with a soft tone, if she wouldn't let me in, then perhaps I could try the next day—

no, I have to do this today.

"are you mad at me?" the deafening silence of the neighbourhood allowed me to hear the small footsteps behind the door, did she leave already?

I knocked once again, three times to be exact. I was hoping for a verbal response or at least for the door to be opened, but I got nothing other than silence.

"I brought snacks, brownies, and your favourite type of ice cream..." I sighed. "if you could just spare me five minutes, I'll leave all the snacks for you."

the faint sounds of footsteps had reoccurred, and my hopes were slowly rising but they had slowly fallen to its death after more seconds of silence.


"yeji, if you don't open this door in the next five seconds, I'm going off myself at the nearest cliff."

the door swung open instantly and I felt my whole face soften at the sight of her, only to realize that she had been crying.

wait, that worked.

the whites of her eyeballs were almost disguised in red, it was obvious that she had been shedding tears. her eyelids were covering half of her pupils, it was like she had just woken up. her nose was a light shade of pink, it was also a bit rough and you could tell that she had used many tissues.

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