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Let's break up

Yeji sent a casual text to her boyfriend or, hopefully, ex-boyfriend, and placed her phone on the nightstand.

"Did you send it?" her best friend, Ryujin, asked while they both cleaned their teeth in the washroom.

"Yes, I'll have to talk to him in person though," Yeji replied.

Ryujin had suspicions about Yeji's nonchalant attitude towards the breakup, given that in the past, Yeji had taken a few hours to actually end the relationship when Ryujin had urged her to do so.

"I think I've had enough," Yeji said, spitting the toothpaste into the sink and rinsing her mouth. Ryujin did the same after Yeji left the washroom.

"Whatever you say," Ryujin said as she went to her closet to find something suitable for school. After changing in the bathroom, she noticed Yeji wearing her panda shirt. Although Yeji often borrowed clothes from her closet, she was surprised by the choice of clothing.

"Hey, isn't that mine?" Ryujin pointed at Yeji's shirt.

"Yes, I've seen you wear it a lot and I finally get why—it's so comfy," Yeji replied, content with the feeling of the fabric brushing against her skin.

"Are you going to wear it to school then?" Ryujin teased while checking herself out in the mirror.

"Of course, I'm gonna show off my closeness with you," Yeji said, chuckling with pride. She got up from the bed to find a jacket that would match the childish shirt.

"As if anyone would care," Ryujin scoffed teasingly while grabbing her bag and walking towards the door.

"I'm going to make some breakfast. Come down when you're ready," Ryujin said before disappearing.

Yeji quickly picked a jacket from Ryujin's closet and went downstairs with her bag, not forgetting her phone, which started to ring right when she reached the end of the staircase.


She groaned out of slight irritation, blaming herself for accidentally turning up the volume for the ringer before. although, the irritation was slowly replaced with interest as she read the caller ID.

"Hey, what's that text about?" Yeonjun's voice was groggy and raspy, like he was sick or hungover. Yeji assumed it was due to his hangover but didn't bother asking why.

"Exactly what it's supposed to be about," she replied, walking slowly towards the kitchen where Ryujin was eating toast with butter.

"But why?" Yeonjun sounded concerned, even worried, but there was no fear or confusion in his tone. It was like he knew what he had done and just wanted an explanation.

"Don't act stupid, Yeonjun. You shamelessly made out with someone at my own brother's graduation party," Yeji scoffed, placing her bag down on the stool by the island counter and grabbing a piece of toast.

"You saw? Then you should have known that she pushed up against me. I was forced-"

"Don't try and fool me. I saw the whole thing. You were enjoying it, and that is enough confirmation for me." Ryujin poured a glass of milk for Yeji, silently communicating with her through her eyes. She checked the time, realizing that they needed to leave for school soon.

Yeji didn't bother listening to any of Yeonjun's excuses. She wanted to end the relationship once and for all.

"I love you," Yeonjun said.

~ 𝘼𝙇𝙇 𝘼𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂 ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt