High School

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I woke up the following morning kind of early. Jordan and I planned on checking out our old high school. I got out of bed not wanting to wake Skai. I took a shower and did my usual routine before getting dressed.

I put on light jewelry and some cologne

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I put on light jewelry and some cologne. By the time I was done, Skai was awake.

"You're up pretty early." She said.

"Yeah Jordan and I have things to do." I reply.

"How long are you gonna be gone?" She asked.

"I don't know. In the meantime I think it's best if you hang with Storm." I say.

"You and me both." Skai said.

I gave her a kiss before leaving. In my garage was a brand new Range Rover. I got in the driver seat going to pick up Jordan first. On the way there I got a call from Anthony.

"Long time no speak. What's up with you boy?" I say.

"Nothing much. I heard that you back home. I just got done filming for Black Panther. I was gonna come back home too." He replied.

"Come back bro. We all miss you over here." I tell my best friend.

"I'll be there by tonight. I need moms to make dinner. You know I've always loved her cooking." Anthony said.

"You know she wouldn't mind." I chuckled.

We wrapped up the call as I pulled up to my parents house. I know they're most likely at work. I open the door and see Storm along with Marsai.

I say hey to both my sister and her best friend. "Why you look so mad?"

"Skai didn't reply in the group chat last night. You know she takes that kind of stuff personal." Marsai answered.

"I'm sure Skai is fine. Maybe she was sleeping like most people are at night." I say.

On the inside I find this very amusing. I know exactly why she ain't text back. I made her turn her phone off. Some things were just more important than others.

"I told you." I said as Skai walked through the door.

I let them be and went to go get Jordan. Thank God he was dressed already. He normally takes forever. He's such a fucking pretty boy.

The school from here was about ten to fifteen minutes away. Everything was just how I remembered it.

Mergenthaler Vocational Technical High or to keep it simple MVT. This is where Jordan, Storm, and I went to school. We repped the blue and yellow. Home of the Mustangs.

"Suddenly I just remembered all the times we got into trouble." Jordan spoke.

"We stayed in trouble because of you." I laughed.

"I don't remember it that way." He said.

"Right." I mumbled.

We entered the school earning stares from a lot of the students and teachers that were in the hallway. It's what happens when you're superstar athletes.

"If it isn't the Davis siblings. I think we're missing one." I hear.

I turn around to be met with our old principal. "Ms. Lawrence it's so good to see you."

"Likewise. Now what are two of my favorite students doing roaming the halls?" She asked.

"Our father wanted us to check out the basketball and football teams." Jordan answered.

"Please feel free. We're gonna miss Mr. Davis here but we're very proud of him for landing a higher position. The school is in desperate need of a new head coach. The season starts in a week." Ms. Lawrence responded.

"Sounds like dad left at an unfortunate time." I say.

"Indeed he did. You should take over as the new coach. I'm sure a Super Bowl champion could lead this team very far. You as well Jordan. The varsity basketball team needs an assistant coach."

"I'll check out the team and make a decision from there." I reply.

"Same here." Jordan said.

Luckily our seasons are over when the high school seasons start. We went our separate ways. Jordan to the gym and myself to the field.

The players were on the field doing their thing. Some practicing, others playing around. A lot of them noticed me immediately.

"Yo, that's Y/N?"

"What the hell she doing here?"

I heard a lot of different things. My dad named one player in particular to look out for. I scanned the field until I found him with the help of some of students.

I watched him practice for about thirty minutes. Even though three minutes in I knew this kid was special. You can just tell when someone has that it factor.

"Yo." I say getting his attention.

"You're Y/N Davis. No way. You're a legend at this school. I'm a big fan." He freaks out.

"Thanks man. You're pretty dope out on the field. Michael right?" I reply.

"Y-yeah." He stuttered.

"My pops wanted me to check you out. How would you feel if we played a little game?" I asked.

"I'm down." He says.


That kid has got some serious talent. But me being the professional of course I outperformed him. I will say if he keeps it up then he has a bright future ahead of him.

"Nice show you put on. I see why you're the top receiver in the country." I say wiping the sweat off my face.

"Thanks. So are you taking over your dad's job as head coach or were you just checking the team out?" Michael asked.

"Both. I was originally just gonna see how the team looked but after playing with you I think I want to take the job." I answer.

"Seriously? This season is going to be amazing." He said.

"I hope so. I know the first game is in a week so we'll have a lot of work to do. It was good playing with you though kid. Hopefully when you make it to the league we'll get to play together." I respond.

"You think I can it to the NFL?" He asked.

"Anyone could if they had a talent like yours." I say honestly.

His phone started ringing before he could say anything in response. "It's my mom. She's always checking on me. I'll see you tomorrow at practice coach."

I nod my head as he walks away. There was something about Michael that I liked. Other than him being good at football there was something telling me that we're gonna get along really well.

"Yo sis, I took the job." Jordan yelled as ran across the field.

"Word? Me too. You know we still gotta tell Principal Lawrence that we said yes?" I say.

"Yeah let's go do that." He said.

I originally had plans to enjoy time away from football. But when opportunities like this throw themselves at me it's hard to stay away from the sport.

Guess you can add head coach to my resume.


Lauren is gonna make her debut in the next chapter. I wanted to get meeting Michael out the way first since that's how Y/N ends up knowing Lauren in the first place.

I was also supposed to update this earlier but I went to sleep and stayed sleep all mf day.

Not Proofread

Until Next Time.

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