Ran Away

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Y/N's P.O.V

It was about seven in the morning. I still haven't slept really. I keep thinking about Lauren. I've never disliked yet missed a person at the same time so much before.

I didn't even care for Anthony at this point. Friends come and go. But my love for Lauren felt like a one in a million type of thing. I don't want to force myself to get over her but I don't intifada I can be with her right now either.

My phone kept ringing nonstop. I thought it was just everyone back home trying to get in contact with me. I ignored the phone calls as they quickly turned into messages.

It was Michael. He wants me to pick him up from the airport. Did this boy run away? Why is here? He must've lost his mind. I just know Lauren is freaking the fuck out right now.

I quickly slipped on my Yeezy slides making my way to L.A.X. He better have a good explanation for this shit. I picked him up and headed back to the hotel.

I waited til we got in the room for me to say anything. Looks like he was doing the same.

"Michael, what in the hell are you doing here? Why in the world would you run away from home?" I asked.

"I needed to see you and talk to you. Mom told me what happened. I know you're here because of her. But I don't think this is right." He answers.

"What isn't right?" I asked.

"You running away from the problem. I'm not going to sit here and justify my mother's actions. She was wrong and she knows it. I seen the look on her face when she told me. I said some not so nice things to her about it but I could tell she's broken inside."

"She loves you and you know that. I was mad at her because I felt like we wouldn't be the same if y'all weren't together anymore. At the end of the day, I see you as my mom. But on the plane ride here I realized that this is bigger than me."

"You love her and you know that. When you love someone you find a way to make it work. My mom made a mistake. I know for a fact that she wouldn't do that again. She's a good person who deserves the world. You are her world. When you love someone you find a way to make it work. You don't run almost three thousand miles away from them." Michael said.

Damn, he just said some real shit. But I still don't want to go back and act like everything is all good. That's some sucker shit. But I suppose we can communicate like the adults that we are.

"If it makes you feel better I'll talk to her." I say.

"Please do. Y'all are meant to be together and I won't sit by and let y'all destroy yourselves over this. You don't mind if I go take a shower do you?" He asked.

"Nah, go ahead." I said.

While he was in the shower, I decided to call Lauren. If it's seven over here then it's ten o'clock over there. I unblocked her first before hitting the call button. It rung once before she answered.

"Hello." She said.

She sounded like she'd been crying a lot. All that's happened and yet it kills me to hear her voice like that. There was no happiness in her voice like usual.

"Michael's here." I say getting straight to the point.

"Why is he in L.A? Is he alright?" Lauren asked worriedly.

"He's fine. I'll send him back home as soon as I can." I reply.

"Thank you." She said. There was a long pause before she spoke again. "It's good to hear your voice."

"Yeah, yours too." I admit.

"I'm sorry. I really wish I could take back what happened. You didn't deserve that. I promise you that it was a mistake that will never happen again. I miss you and I want you to come home." Lauren said.

She sounded sincere and genuine. I just wanted some time away. I can't just be the idiot that jumps right back into her arms. Besides, actions speak louder than words. An apology means nothing these days.

"I'm not coming home. Not yet. Honestly, I miss you too but I'm not gonna be stupid. If you can show me that you're sorry then we can maybe go from there." I reply.

"And how am I supposed to do that if you won't even come home?" She asked.

"If you really mean what you say then you'll find a way. I'll hit you up later when I send Michael home." I say.

"I love you." Lauren said.

I hate feelings. I hate that I can't pause them. I really hate how those three words that came out her mouth still got my heart racing. And as much as I want to say it back, I can't.

"So show me that." I respond before hanging up.

I let out a deep sigh. Why does this have to happen to me? Did I do something to deserve this? This must be my karma for something. And if so, karma does not fuck off.

I seen that my Twitter account was going crazy. I opened the app and noticed that Anthony tagged me in a tweet. What did this snake ass nigga want from me?


I wish that I didn't have to bring this to social media but I'm left with no other choice. Y/N, I hope you read this and understand that I'm truly sorry for the damage that I've caused. Over the weekend I made a costly mistake that was more so my fault than anyone else's. I was drunk and I know that doesn't excuse my actions but I swear that was the reason why I wasn't thinking straight.

I jeopardized a lifelong friendship and the relationship between two great people. I understand if you never want to talk to me again but please don't give you know who all the heat. It's really not her fault. I initiated everything that happened. From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry.

Even if you never forgive me, I will always love you like a sister. I pray that one day we can move forward from this.

With much love and sincerity, Anthony.

P.S - go home and see her nobody needs you as much as she does. she's heartbroken over this so I can only imagine how hard it is for you

P.P.S - I really am sorry. But I'd rather you fix your relationship with her than anything else even if that means cutting all ties with me.

I don't know what to do right now. I didn't expect for him to do something like this. This is just confusing me. I do appreciate his effort but I'm not forgiving anyone this quickly.

And I really don't want to go home. But once again I am an emotional sucker. I don't like knowing that she's broken. I really hate how much I love her and how my heart is.

Why is it that I care about her feelings when she's the one in the wrong? My mind is the one with all the common sense while my heart just wants me to run back to her and make sure she's okay.

Which one do I listen to?


what should y/n do?

Not Proofread

Until Next Time

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