His Mom

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Six Days Later

"First game of the season is tomorrow. Are you sure you remember the plays we went over?" I asked Michael.

"Yeah. I got it." He replied.

I blow into the whistle letting the team know that practice is over. Season hasn't even officially started and yet I feel like becoming the coach was the best thing I've ever done. Besides winning the Super Bowl of course.

"Good. I'm counting on you tomorrow. I have high expectations for you this season since it's your senior year " I say.

"I won't let you down Coach. I have a question for you out of curiosity." Michael says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Where are you going next season? You're a free agent so you could go anywhere. But like everyone is expecting you to resign with the Chiefs." He responds.

I take a deep breath before answering. "Honestly Mike, I don't know. The Chiefs are my number one choice as of right now but I'm keeping my options open. I'm not making a decision yet."

"So that means there's a chance for you to play for your hometown. The Ravens could use someone like you." He suggests.

"Maybe. We'll see." I say.

Playing for my hometown would be major. The Ravens were actually my second choice as well as the Philadelphia Eagles since they're not too far away. But when that time comes I'll make up my mind then.

"Hey Coach, you play Madden or 2K?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, why?" I question.

"Cause I just got the new copies. You down?" He responds.

"Oh you think you nice on the sticks? Prepare to get beat." I laugh.


"My mom is out with my aunt. So we're basically here alone." Michael said.

I just nodded checking out the house. It was nice as fuck and very white. White walls, white marble countertops and floors. Nicely decorated though.

The first picture I noticed was a portrait of a man with cornrows. I know him. My father used to always talk about him. He was the best quarterback in the L.A area back in the day.

"That's my dad. He passed away a few years ago." Mike sighed.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Your dad was legendary though. My pops was a fan of his." I say.

I stopped looking at the picture as he showed me around before we went inside his room. You can tell this room belonged to an athlete. The posters say it all. Including a giant one of me.

"Nice poster." I chuckle.

His face turned slightly red in embarrassment. "In my defense I never thought you'd be inside my room."

I sat on the beanbag chair as 2k loaded up on the screen. Without a doubt I picked the Warriors and of course I played as my brother.

"The Celtics? You do know my brother just kicked their asses in the Finals, right?" I ask.

"Yeah but this won't be a repeat of that." Micheal laughed.

He was right. It was not a repeat of that. The game wasn't totally bad. Jayson Tatum is just a different breed. Not to mention Jaylen Brown. The score was 98 to 104. 

We switched over to Madden. While that was loading up there was a light knock on his bedroom door.

"Hey mom." Michael said.

That's his mother? This woman is fine as fuck and looks way too young for him to be her son. She just gotta have good ass genes.

"Hey Mikey. Who's this?" She asked.

She looked at me before looking at that really big poster on the wall. If she didn't know before I'm sure she knows now.

"Oh that's you. My son talks about you all the time. He watches a lot of your games." She said.

I just looked at Michael and laughed because of how embarrassed he is.

"Anyway, mom this is Y/N. She's the new head coach for the school. Coach this is my mother." Michael said introducing us.

"Please call me Lauren." She smiled.

"Nice to meet you Lauren." I say as I shook her hand.

"Likewise." Lauren responds.

She let us be and we returned back to the game. "That's your mother for real? She don't look a day over 25."

"She gets that all the time. Happy you didn't say that to her. Her ego is already massive." Mike chuckled

My ego would be big too if I was her. She must know she bad as fuck. And I watched her walk out the room, she gotta ass on her. Whole package for real. But that's my players mom and I do not want to be inappropriate.

He chose the Buccaneers and once again of course I chose the Chiefs. And yes I played as myself.

"Again, you know I just beat the Bucs in the Super Bowl?" I asked.

"What I said before still stands." He shrugged.

Except this time he lost. I'm a professional. Playing Madden is a walk in the park for me. I killed him 63-42.

"You just got lucky." He mumbled.

"Call it what you want. It's getting late though. I'll catch you tomorrow and you need to get some rest. I need my superstar to do well in the game." I say.

"Got you Coach." He said.

I dapped him up before exiting his room. I remembered my way out of here. When I made it to the bottom of the stairs Lauren came around the corner, somewhat scary the shit outta me.

"Hey Y/N." She says.

"Hey Ms.Lauren?" I said

She giggled. "Please don't call me that. It's just Lauren."

"My bad. What's up though?" I asked.

"Please be careful with my son." Lauren replied.

I was confused. The fuck does she mean by that? "Excuse me?"

"He doesn't get attached to people easily especially since the death of his father. But I know for a fact that he looks up to you. I could see it in his face that he really enjoyed you hanging out with him." She explained.

"Michael is an amazing kid. You did a really good job at raising him. I promise you I have his best interests at heart. You have nothing to worry about. Now if you'll excuse me I gotta get going." I respond before heading to the door.

"Oh and Y/N. Next time you decide to check me out, try being more discreet about it." Lauren said before disappearing back to wherever she came from.

Call me crazy but I swore there was a smile on that woman's face. Like yeah she knows I was basically eyeing the shit out of her but she liked it. I don't want to think too deep into it.

I also know that I don't want any problems with this woman.


Lauren has arrived. What do you think of the sorry so far? Feel free to comment any ideas. I'm open to suggestions

Not Proofread

Until Next Time.

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