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Lauren's P.O.V

I stood on the sidelines, watching the NFL game in front of me. The season has officially been underway for about four weeks now.

A benefit of being Y/N's girlfriend is that I have a free sideline pass to every home game. This game specifically was intense. The Seahawks were in town and were playing like they intended to leave with a win. It's a real close game.

"I can't wait until I'm in the league." Michael said, closely watching the game.

"Just gotta get through college." I reply.

The crowd soared in cheers as Odell managed to catch a 30 yard pass from Lamar. It left them 43 yards away from the end zone.

"How much do you wanna bet that Y/N is gonna score this touchdown?" Jordan said.

"I don't know. Odell is pretty hot right now." Storm responded.

"Are you talking about his game or his looks?" Marsai questioned.

"Both." Storm said making me chuckle.

The next play Y/N did run the ball, breaking tackles and shaking every defender. To no surprise she did score making it her second touchdown of the game. Ninth overall on the season.

"Do I know ball or what?" Jordan asked, rhetorically.

"You only know ball when fine women are around." Michael said.

Jordan laughed because honestly Michael's right. Once the game wrapped up, it finished a close scoring game. The Ravens did win but without that clutch touchdown from Y/N, they would've been on the losing end.

That makes them 4-0 on the season, having yet to lose. Although the fans were ecstatic that the home team won, the players themselves didn't seem so excited. It wasn't just the players, the coaching staff too. They're was something off about everyone's energy.

Y/N had went to the locker room as normal. It took about 45 minutes until she came back out. As the good hearted person that she is, she signed a handful of autographs for fans that had stayed and waited for the players to come back out.

Although she was smiling and taking pictures for them, I could tell something was bothering her. Not like injury wise, but something more mentally.

"What's wrong?" I ask as she approached.

I'm getting straight to the point. I know when something is wrong with my baby.

She sighed, very disappointed. "The league is going into lockdown."

"What does that mean?" I question confused.

"It's when players don't play, the games don't go on. It's happened a few times before, even a couple times in the NBA too. They call it a lockout. The owners of these teams and the commissioner don't agree with whatever rules the NFLPA is making." Y/N explained.

I was still slightly confused. So as soon as this season started, it's just over. That's ridiculous. What was the point of even playing today?

"The NFLPA stands for the National Football League Players Association. They're the NFL's labor union. They represent salaries and whatnot. Anyway the league is going on strike basically. The players don't always agree with the owners. They want to lower everyone's salaries and the salary cap yet raise the number of games in a season. They want it to go from 18 to 36. Doubling the season. Two games a week instead of one on a much smaller salary."

I nodded along, understanding everything she was saying this time. That really isn't fair. These players work so hard for this game. It isn't right.

"So when is it over?" I ask.

"Well it goes into effect tomorrow and ends whenever everyone can come to an agreement. So there's no telling when that'll be." Y/N replied.

I can tell this bothered her really badly. Football is her life. It's what she lives for. It's been a part of her daily routine since forever.

"It's gonna work out and everything will be how it should be." I say trying my best to reassure her.

"Yeah, I hope so." She sighed.


"The Wizards is crazy. Way closer to home." Jordan said, seeing that he had been traded.

"What's crazy is their past season record. Different atmosphere than Golden State." Y/N said.

"Definitely a big adjustment but it's a business. You know that." Jordan said.

While they talked sports, I had a bigger problem. A problem that I have to tell Y/N about. The timing just doesn't seem right. She's already frustrated with this lockout situation.

"You okay?" Storm asked.

"Not really." I responded.

She advised for us to go somewhere more private, leading us into the kitchen. I sat on the bar stool with her leaning against the counter.

"Is this about Y/N or something else?" She asked.

Of all the people I could confide in, it happens to be Y/N's 19 year old sister. Then again she does know Y/N really well and it's not like Y/N is much older.

"It has something to do with her, yes. I would love to talk to her about it instead but I would hate to add any more frustrations to her plate." I reply.

"Oh my God, are you pregnant or something?" Storm asked, somewhat jokingly.

I stayed quiet, not even needing to say those words. I didn't want to believe it myself but I should have seen it coming. Later rather than sooner but sometimes things happen.

"Oh." Storm said understanding that her joke wasn't a joke. "Since when?"

"Since before Florida." I answer.

"Lauren, we went to Florida almost two months ago. You need to tell Y/N asap. You're hiding a big chunk of this pregnancy from her." She responded.

"I know but she's just been so busy because of the start of her season. And she's so young. Nobody her age wants the responsibility of a child. And now with this lockout situation, I don't want to trouble her." I ramble.

Storm looked at me sympathetically. "Well for starters, age went out of the picture the moment y'all started saying. Secondly, you will never know how she truly feels unless you communicate with her. I support his wholeheartedly. But you gotta talk to my sister."

"Talk to me about what?" Y/N said walking inside the house.

I took a deep breath. We have to talk and it has to be now.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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