Pt. 2

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I could hear her stifled cries, as I continued to hammer his knee in. His terrified screams brought music to my ears. His chest heaved heavily as stomped on his knee repeatedly.

"Ple- stop." he cried.

I laughed to myself letting him continue to beg for his life. I spat in his face watching as my saliva fall onto his mouth.

I moved my foot to his chest, letting the weight of myself crush him. Pulling out the knife I had in my pocket, putting it up to his face. Watching as he shivered to the touch of it.

"Please- just let me g-"

"I don't think so. I don't really like sharing if you know what I mean." I say with a smirk, tilting my head over at Valerie in the corner.

"I'm sorry- I didn't mean to touch her-"

"So you did touch my Valerie?"

His eyes widened as he felt the blade against the corner of his mouth. He shook his head rapidly at my question. I could see more tears leave his eyes.

"I didn't! I didn't! Tell him! Please tell him!" I watched as his eyes went over my shoulder looking for her, to help.

I looked back at Valerie, her face was just stained with tears. As she looked back at me. I smiled at her.

"What are you gonna tell me, babe?"

I watched as her mouth opened, but the words didn't come out. She touched at her throat, she must have been dehydrated from the hours of being down here.

"Seems like a yes to me."

"No man, I swear-"

I put my finger up to my mouth shaking my head as my brows furrowed in disapproval.

"I hate liars." I stared back at him.

I gripped at his chin, forcing his mouth open attempting to cut the lies out of his mouth. He screamed, biting at me, but I got back at him by slamming his head into the wall each time he tried to take advantage.

"Stop Anthony! Stop- please! It's my fault it's all my fault! I didn't mean to try and hurt the baby!"

Her cries went into one ear and right out the other, I became completely oblivious to her. I was gonna deal with her later.

I rolled my eyes sticking my hand into his mouth, he choked up, I gripped onto his tongue harshly tugging at it.

His face scrunched up making me, laugh. He gagged and cried as I tugged harder at it.

"Liars need to be taught a lesson."

"Anthony I want you to stop! I said stop it!" Valerie screamed from behind me.

Her presence was closer to me, I could feel her trying to tug at my shirt. I gritted at my teeth trying to contain my annoyance.

"Valerie I swear if you don't move-"

"Stop you're hurting him! Just hurt me instead! Please you're mad at me!"

I removed my hand from his mouth, puncturing my nails into the sides of his cheeks. She just kept crying, and it was frustrating me so much that I just started banging his head into the wall.


I just wanted it to end, I just wanted to end him. For trying to hurt her, why couldn't she understand. I could see his eyes go to the back of his head, as I began banging his head harder into the cement wall.

"I said stop, stop! Anthony-"

"Would you just shut the fuck up!" I shot up from the man pointing the blade at her.

"You're scaring me- " I scoffed as I heard urine drop to the floor.

"You wanted my attention and now you're scared. You wanted to me hurt you right?"

I saw her eyes glued to the man, she hypervilenated. I grabbed her up by her arms.

"You did this."

"What- how."

I violently shook her and began to show her how she made me felt, when she started screaming my ear off. Her eyes watered pissing me off even more.

"Why the fuck are you crying? isn't this what you wanted. You want my attention, now you have it."

She took me by surprised when she dropped to her knees and started to full on wailing. Her wails sounded like my mother's, the ones she uses to do whenever she was down her. I didn't like it, in fact I hated it. I hated hearing this.

"Get the fuck up." I demanded.

She didn't even respond, Valerie just kept crying. I kicked at the side of her leg.

I grabbed at her face forcing her chin to look up at me. She tried to turn her eyes away from me but failed.

"I'm sorry. I should have listened." I told her coldly.

I could see her lips turn into a pout and her brows frown as she started to cry.

"Valerie. stop crying."

"I hate you! I hate you touching on me! And I hate that you want me to keep your fucking baby!" she screamed nudging my hand from her face.

I grabbed her face again squeezing my hand into her face. I gritted my teeth at her as I lowered myself to her level.

"Surely you don't mean that." I brought our faces an inch closer to one another.

She collected herself looking back at me with hatred. Valerie's eyes turned cold.

"I meant every bit of it."

"Really. You meant every bit of what you said?"

She nodded at me receiving a eye roll from me.

"You're lying." I leaned in closer to her, watching her eyes turn from cold to scared again.

"I want to go to bed."

I let my hand sit on thigh, her breathing became more rapid. As I stood before her. I grabbed at her legs,  picking her up into my arms. I carried her upstairs.

I gently placed her onto the couch, she looked up at me confused to why she's been placed here instead of upstairs.

"You're supposed to eat-"

Before I could even set foot into the kitchen she was already running for the stairs. I ran after her, but was met with a slam in the face with the bathroom door.

"Let me in, Valerie."

I could hear her protest behind the door, slamming my fist onto the door. You could hear her jump behind the door.

I turned at the door knob, didn't open of course she'd lock it.

"I just want a second to myself! just leave me alone." she cried.

I stepped back from the door, giving her the space she so desperately wanted.

"Fine. I'll give you space."

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