13 - Daze

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"You're going to pierce a hole through my head" I turned my face from the teacher to glare at him.

"I wouldn't want that, but I can't help it" he defended "you're so pretty"

If I was eating something, I would've choked to death. "Are you crazy?" I exclaimed, feeling my face getting all red.

He wasn't able to answer because the teacher called us and told us to be quiet. All morning, he stayed by my side, refusing to let my hand go. The only time he would let my hand go is when we're sitting next to each other and he replaces his arm around my waist to pull me closer.

I don't think these are what normal friends do... and I hate to admit it but I'm starting to assume things. Maybe he likes me? Maybe it'll be okay if I come clean and tell him I'm his mate?

No, no, no. I should confirm first. I should first make sure that it'll be okay.

The cafeteria was already full when we got there. I walk to fall in line with the students who were getting their food and Ricky followed me. As soon as we were in line, he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and leaned his chin on my shoulder.

"We don't have to fall in line, you know" he mumbled

"You don't but I do, I'm not an alpha like you" I answered while trying to remove his muscular arms from around me. I gave up telling him to keep his hands to himself a while ago, he won't listen anyway so I just try to remove them. This is so embarrassing, there are so many people around but instead of letting go, he only tightened his hold on me.

"You don't have to when you're with me"

"I shouldn't get to have that special privilege. I'm only with you as your friend, not as your family member. " I turned around to face him to try and push him away but he only loosened his hold enough for me to turn before tightening it again. I placed my hand on his chest to try again and push him away but he didn't budge.

"How about as my mate?" He stared at me questioningly and I halt all my movements. I looked up at him with wide eyes.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say or do so I just stared at him in shock, feeling my heart beat erratically. He slowly leaned down until his lips were slightly touching my ear before he whispered "Kidding"

He chuckled, leaning back but I was still in shock staring at him for the longest time, not even being able to react when his hand snaked under my shirt, feeling the sparks erupt with the skin to skin contact. He growled lowly and it sounded so sexy. I was suddenly in a daze, staring up at him while his eyes glazed darker. Why is this suddenly turning into something different? The erratic beating of my heart that was caused by nervousness of getting caught is now caused by the decreasing proximity of his lips to mine.

He looked down at my lips and leaned closer. Caught in a daze, I closed my eyes.


My eyes snapped open with the very loud sound of a trumpet being blown just beside my head I think my eardrums would explode, forcing me out of the daze I was in.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I look up at Ricky who was seething in anger as he glared down at a human holding a trumpet with his left hand and his right hand on his waist staring scoldingly at us.

"There are people waiting in line, mister!" He scolded back pointing the trumpet to Rick. "and this is a public space, have some decency and get a room!" My face automatically turned red at that. It's the new human student. I heard about him, he just transferred recently. I'm surprised he got accepted here. This school doesn't usually accept humans.

Rick snatched his trumpet harshly and bent it in half with his bare hands  before throwing it to the side. "I'm gonna snap your neck and take your pathetic human life" Rick growled in anger, voice low and dangerous as he attempted to take a step closer to the human but I stopped him by grabbing his bicep. I'm aware of his history dealing with rogues well enough to know he's capable of doing exactly what he just said.

"Let's just go, Ricky" I stared at him with pleading eyes, trying to calm him down by stroking his arm. I don't want to have someone dying in front of me, thank you very much.

His gaze went to me and it automatically softened causing my heart to flutter.

"Hormonal teenagers" the stupid human spat out causing me to glare at him. Can't he see I'm trying to save him?

"You" I pointed at him "shut your mouth before I stitch it close for you" I stated before pulling Ricky away from the line of students and dragging him to the counter to get us food. I should've listened to Ricky and done this the first time instead of getting in that line.

After getting our lunch, we found a table and silently ate, me frowning because I was still pissed and embarrassed while Ricky kept smiling at me, as if he finds me amusing or something. Weirdo.

Today was crazy. And It's finally about to end. Ricky is taking me home (he insisted), and I was enjoying the silence in the car, admiring the scenery of the sky turning orange because of the setting sun, until he decided to talk.

"You're cute when you're pissed"

"Oh shut up" he just chuckled.

"So what are you gonna cook for me tomorrow?" He glanced at me with a wide grin and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I thought that was canceled"

He frowned "Who said it was canceled?"

"Well you clearly have another appointment with that girl with... big boobs" I was whispering the last 2 words.

He turned his head to me with a frown "Were you seriously looking at her boobs?!"

"I wasn't! Eyes on the freaking road, Ricky!!!" He growled before facing the road again and I sighed.

The car stopped in front of my house and I was about to get out and open the door but he reached out from his seat and pulled the door back. I faced him to ask what he wants but I was taken aback by his close proximity.

"Were you jealous?" He asked, voice low and sexy. I feel my face turned red and I gulped.

"I-I w-wasn't" he smiled at me and touched the side of my face with his free hand, his other hand still gripping the door.

His touch felt good to my skin and with that, I was back in a daze, admiring his swirling eyes and smiling handsome face so close to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow Jamie, I wouldn't miss your cooking for the world" he stroked my cheek with his thumb while I utter a small "okay"

His darkened eyes followed his thumb as it lowered to my lips.

"Can I?" He whispered as his thumb slightly pulled down my lower lip and I have no idea what I was thinking but I just hummed in a daze.

He lowered his face to mine, inching closer and closer..

My eyes closed and I gasped at the same time his lips touched mine, overwhelmed by the sparks exploding where our skin touched. His hand encircled my waist to pull me close while his other remained on the side of my head. Our lips danced together and I felt like I was in the best place I could ever be in this world,

in his arms.

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