three | plans and new people

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"Goddamnit Thorpe, don't manhandle the girl." Juniper rolled her eyes when Xavier nearly banged Wednesday's head against the doorframe in his hurry. 

"Sorry, sorry-" He mumbled, a little wary of the witch. 

She rolled her eyes and guided him, making sure he didn't accidentally drop her. 

She waited whilst the nurse checked the unconscious girl over, biting her lips anxiously. She didn't register the nurse cleaning and bandaging her arm. Upon feeling the pain subside, she thanked the kind woman, before turning to face Wednesday. Looking at the nurse, she asked, "Can I give her something to help with the healing process?" 

"It was nothing but a nasty bump on the head," said the nurse. "No concussion, but she's unconscious. I don't think she can eat or drink anything unless you inject it directly into her veins." 

Juniper nodded, "I can manage." She got up and hurried out of the room, after placing Xavier on watch duty, to the greenhouse, where she kept her medicinal herbs. By memory, she whipped up a paste which she dissolved in a little bit of water carefully dripped from her self-made plant called 'Ginglymostoma hydrochaeris' Or as she called it, 'Gigglewater Plant'. It did affect people with laughs, but it became mineral-rich water if mixed with peppermint and ginger. 

She placed it in a small flask and took it to the infirmary, where she heard Wednesday's monotone, "The last thing I remember I was walking outside feeling a mixture of rage, pity and self-disgust. I never felt that way before." 

Chuckling to herself as she entered, Juniper added, "Losing to Bianca has that effect on people, I think." 

"Xavier told me you'd stepped out to make something for me." Wednesday nodded at the flask in the half-dryad's hand. "Anyway, then I looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down and I thought, 'At least I'll have an imaginative death.' Then you tackled me out of the way. Why?" 

"Call it what you like. I didn't want to clean blood off my night-blooming jasmine, nor did I want to lose a friend." Juniper sat next to the black-haired girl and opened the flask. She handed it to her and said, "Drink it. For the oncoming headache." 

"What's in it?" Asked Wednesday, suspicious. "If you wanted to kill me, you could atleast make it painful." 

Sighing, Juniper said, "It's just some peppermint-ginger paste mixed with gigglewater." Upon seeing the other girl's distaste at the choice of water, she reassured her, "Don't worry. The medicinal properties and taste of the ginger neutralizes the giggle aspect of the fluid and converts the laughs into pure mineral, so you're kind of having a better and more reliable version of bottled water and a headache pill." 

Wednesday took a small sip of the concoction tentatively, and felt her pounding headache cease. Her taut shoulders released a little, as the coolness of the peppermint mixed with the warmth of ginger relaxed her headache, and the sweetness of the gigglewater gave a pleasant aftertaste. 

"Better?" Asked Juniper. Reluctantly, Wednesday nodded and took another sip, as Juniper added, "Xavier helped get you here, by the way." 

"Why?" The black haired girl asked, looking at him a little suspiciously. 

"Call it instinct, I guess." He shrugged. 

She immediately shot back, "So you were guided by latent chivalry, the tool of the patriarchy, to extract my undying gratitude?" 

"Mm-hmm. Most people just say thank you." He said. 

"Exactly. I'd rather have you show a small bit of gratitude." Juniper winked. 

"I didn't want to be rescued." Wednesday snapped. 

"So we should've just let that thing smash you to mush?" Juniper frowned.

"I would have rather saved myself." Scoffed Wednesday. 

Taking a moment to compose and control herself at the girl's lack of feeling, Juniper sighed, "Have it your way, Wednesday. I apologise for not letting you have your 'imaginative death' as you'd wanted." Feeling mighty upset, and walked out of the room, leaving the two others to discuss their own matters. 

She went to her room, upon seeing the time, and began to work on a potion for her best friend, Enid. 

In a bowl of water, she put golden dewdrops and oleander leaves in the steadily boiling water. Two of the most poisonous plants in the world for a teenager's family validation, she thought. The things pressure and judgement does to a person.

Lycanthropes were immune to the poisons she was using, and if anything, they sped up the wolfing out process in pups. The toxins in the dewdrops and oleander triggered a reaction in their lycanthropic senses, which helped with stunted wolfing out. She added some of her freshly made moon water, which had been left out to charge for a whole moon phase, giving it enough power. She made another flask of the peppermint-ginger gigglewater, and mentally prepared herself for the meeting to transpire. 

Putting the lycan potion in a bright blue flask, knowing the taste of the concoction wasn't pleasant, and putting the headache drink in a black one, Juniper hurried to Ophelia Hall, where she knew her werewolf friend would be. Kelpie, her familiar, tagged along, trotting beside the dryad happily. 

She knocked on the door, and when she received no answer, entered anyway. She saw Wednesday threatening what looked like...a severed hand? She knew she was naturally a soundless being, and wasn't surprised when Wednesday didn't turn around. 

"Our first order of business is to escape this teenage purgatory." Said the black-haired girl. The hand made a few tapping sounds, and she scoffed, "Of course I have a plan. And it begins now." More tapping. "I mean, Juniper's help is essential--" 

Juniper cleared her throat awkwardly, making Wednesday turn around sharply. "How long have you been standing there?!" Asked the girl.

"Long enough to know that you need my help." Juniper raised an eyebrow. "I came to drop of something for Enid." She gestured to the blue flask, "And the headache medicine I gave you before." 

"I have no headache." Said Wednesday.

"When you've cracked your head against stone as hard as how you did today, the headache is bound to be recurring." Juniper said, placing the black flask down. "I hope you still have that flower, by the way." Wednesday gestured at a lone vase on her shelf with a nod, where the black orchid was placed. She looked at the flask and took a sip of the gigglewater, and felt the slight throbbing in her head cease. 

"I'll be on my way now." Said the redhead. "Don't forget to give the flask to Enid, please. I've got to go back to my room. A bunch of those vain Scales want me to make them something to fix their complexions." 

"I can't explain how much joy I feel hearing the pain in your voice." Wednesday replied. She remembered how she'd been rude to the girl earlier and said reluctantly, "I shouldn't have acted the way I did in the infirmary. I apolgise."

"All good," Juniper smiled, "I got over it." She nodded in parting and left the room, feeling her stomach flutter at the sheer thought of her friend. people always think of friends like this, she wondered, or is this something else?







With love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now