thirty one | you hurt me, yet here i am

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After having talked to Miss Thornhill about Enid rooming with Yoko, Wednesday noticed Thing had pulled out a box from underneath her bed. She frowned as she saw it, knowing the dryad's sweater was in there.

"I told you, I don't want to remember that," she grumbled at the appendage. "I've made a big enough blunder already."

He tapped out, 'Open it', and she begrudgingly did just that.

Seeing the sweater and inhaling the dryad's scent nearly overwhelmed her, but she kept herself calm and let her gaze catch onto the flower crown on the wool fabric. Her fingertips brushed against it, and her eyes closed slightly as she felt physical pain against what she'd done to the girl.

Beside the intricately woven flower crown was a note, which had the distinct handwriting of the young dryad. 'Thank you for accepting me, my love' it read. 'And for not feeling afraid after you've seen my dark side. With love, Juniper.'

That had been the best part of their relationship, Wednesday had to admit. They both knew that their love for each other had been mutual, so they didn't even need to say those three words aloud.

"God damn it," muttered the goth, her pale hands gently holding the delicate crown of red roses, their thorns clipped and well-dulled so that they didn't hurt her. They signified unconditional love and acceptance, which Wednesday knew thanks to their late-night flower symbolism sessions. She noticed that Fester had gone to get them something so that she could follow Xavier, and decided to confront Juniper.

Nervously, she closed the box and put it back under the bed, heading outside and down the halls to Juniper's room.

Her hand lingered at the door when she was about to knock, but a burst of courage spurred her on. Curtly, she knocked on the door and heard the dryad's voice saying, "Just a moment, I'm coming!"

The smile which graced the redhead's features when she opened the door disappeared when her blue eyed gaze landed on the goth. Curtly, she said, "Wednesday. Here to accuse me of murder yet again?"

"I've come to apologise," admitted the goth, with a firm set to her jaw.

Scoffing in disbelief, the dryad replied, "Oh, you've come to apologise, is it? Well, it's ever so bold of you to assume I'm going to accept it."

"That day when we...when I made that blunder, I had seen a drawing Xavier made. On first glance it seemed like you were standing in front of me, ready to order the Hyde to kill me." Explained Wednesday.

"Your point being, Addams?" The dryad put a hand against the doorframe, her brow furrowed in annoyance. "I've got stuff to do."

"On closer analysis, I realised you weren't controlling the Hyde, you were actually protecting me," the goth said. "So this whole ordeal of us breaking up was my error in deduction and judgement."

"Yes, yes it was," said Juniper. "But my, oh my, haven't you come to desperate terms with me?"

"Don't make me repeat it," grumbled the goth.

"I'll make you repeat it till your apology's ingrained in that convoluted, loveless heart of yours," hissed the dryad. "So if you want my forgiveness, you will have to beg."

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now