thirty-eight | i don't know

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The night settled in, and Juniper was walking to Wednesday's dormitory upon the goth's request. Inside, her heart felt heavy, knowing it was their last night together, and she'd only see her after the holidays. That is, if Morticia gave her permission.

However, she was stopped by Miss Thornhill, who'd been looking for her at the time.

"June Bug," said the woman, "You didn't come to me for your medicine today, is everything alright?"

"Oh, did I forget?" Asked the girl. "How daft of me, I can take it now, if you'd like. I'll just let Winnie know that I'll be a bit late." Juniper pulled out her phone from her pocket and hastily texted Enid, knowing that the werewolf was at her dorm.

"Lovely, now come on," smiled the woman, taking Juniper by the shoulder gently. Kelpie was too exhausted to come, and the dryad felt strangely alone without him by her feet as he'd opted to sleep in his own bed that night. Something was definitely going to go wrong, she could feel it. Her stomach felt uneasy, and her spine prickled with vigilance, but she decided to curb that feeling.

Thornhill led her to the car, which she noticed had droplets of blood on the back seat. It glittered and made the car smell shockingly of marigold. Noticing these two were tied, it hit the girl that is was pixie blood.

"Aunt Marilyn, have you been meddling with rowdy pixies?" Asked the dryad, fear creeping down her neck like spiders. "There seems to be some of their blood in the car."

"Oh, I Lyssa was helping me with getting some heavy pots in the back seat and one of them was a particularly sharp leafed one. A little cut, nothing major," the redheaded woman said hastily. "Anyhow, move your hair to the side a bit, would you, June Bug?"

"But aren't I supposed to drink it?" Frowned the dryad, putting her hair up in her bandanna as usual to keep it from her face.

"I read that injecting it directly in the bloodstream is a more long-lasting remedy," replied the woman taking out a syringe full of the darker blue liquid.

Juniper nodded and felt the needle prick into her neck, wincing as it did. However, the pain was gone as soon as it had come, and the rushing euphoria took its place. Resting her head back and sighing dreamily, the girl felt her mind go numb, making registering her surroundings and events a little difficult.

Just what Marilyn wanted.

They drove to the crypt, and Juniper got out of the car. She felt her whole body, or whatever part was conscious, screaming at her to stop. In fact, she even felt a breeze on her neck and it whispering in an archaic tone, 'Don't move further'.

"Come on, June Bug," said Marilyn. "I'll send you back in a moment, don't worry. This is a small task, and it'll make Joseph Crackstone happy enough to make you merge with Kelpie. That's what you want, isn't it?"

"Yeah..." nodded the dryad, following the woman up the stairs. "I think he might do that if he's happy with what I've done for him, right?"

"Absolutely!" Laughed the woman as they entered the tomb. The 3/4th moon glowed brightly through the ceiling's opening, bathing the place in a ghostly, but dim silver light.

"Can you put the candles alight, sweetie?" Asked Marilyn, placing a hand on Juniper's shoulder. When the girl hesitated, she added, "You know you have to listen to me if you want to make Crackstone happy."

The dryad nodded, and moved her hand slightly, lighting all the candles with bright orange flame. She gasped as she saw a familiar figure on the ground; a bloodied and bruised Lyssa Fabelle.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora