thirty | if you don't woe me by now

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Juniper immediately went to Miss Thornhill's room, sighing softly and massaging her head, which had begun to pulse and throb. Her period didn't help either, and the cramps made matters worse.

"Aunt Marilyn," groaned the girl, entering the conservatory. "I am legitimately dying right now."

"I've got you, sweetie," the woman smiled gently and handed her the electric blue liquid, which had a slight darker shade to it from the pain-inducing concoction. Clearly she'd mixed the two, but the girl was already too intoxicated by the smell to notice.

Feeling it dull a little bit, she sighed in relief, downing the whole glass after having taken a single sip.

"Well done, June Bug," smiled the woman evilly. "Now, let's get to work."

Carefully, she took the girl to Crackstone's Crypt, where she knew her project was to be hosted. In order to make sure not to undo the mind control, Marilyn was silent the whole car ride, knowing that the effects weren't that strong yet.

The crypt smelt of death and mildew, along with the distinct aura of evil, which made the dryad scrunch her nose up in disgust as she walked into the building, wobbling on her feet a little drunkenly.

"Inside, June Bug," ordered the woman.

She led the stumbling girl to the central crypt, where she knew the dryad would be able to suitably commune with Hades and thin the protection over the place. Quietly, she pulled out a needle full of dark blue liquid, which she injected into the dryad's bloodstream.

The girl sobered up, but was still looking rather lost and dazed, giving the woman a cue that she was well-controlled.

"I need you to thin the protection over Joseph Crackstone's tomb," she said, smiling and putting an arm around her.

"Isn't that not allowed...?" The redhead asked, confused, her eyes drooping slightly as a frown came over her features.

"It is allowed, June Bug! It's probably not written in your book, cause it's written in mine," chuckled Miss Thornhill, tightening her hold around the girl.

"Okay..." sighed the girl, a little suspiciously. She stood right outside the circle of body parts, and began to mark runes on the ground with bewitched chalk that she conjured up.

She began to chant in Greek, calling on the power of Hades, making her bright green magic work away at the protection spells over the tomb, unravelling each thread of power over the dank prison unravel like fine yarn. Slowly her chanting got louder till the whispers of tortured souls from the past surrounded them and echoed around the crypt.

She knew the magic had worked, for when she stopped her wild chanting, there was a lighter air to the normally heavy-energy place. She felt less suffocated, yet had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that told her an unsettling, vengeful spirit was slowly being unleashed.

Her thoughts were silenced, as Thornhill clapped enthusiastically for her, "Well done, June Bug! When he rises, I'll be sure to put in a good word for you."

"Perhaps I can ask him to help me merge with Kelpie," admitted the redhead. "Maybe then my parents will give a damn."

"He'll help you in whichever way," smiled the woman, taking her hand tenderly and stroking the girl's red hair in a motherly gesture. "But that help will only come if you follow through the whole way."

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu