thirty two | grave errors continue

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Juniper sighed softly as she let Wednesday help her back to her dormitory. The goth suggested the dryad stayed with her, but the girl felt too stubborn and exhausted to say yes.

It was ever so irritating. While Juniper wanted to forgive Wednesday, she just...couldn't. She desperately wanted to hold the girl close the way she had before that grave blunder a few nights back. She wanted to lovingly press her lips to those familiar ones, yet she also didn't want to, for those were the same lips which accused her of murder.

She let herself be led to her dormitory, where Wednesday sat her on the bed and handed her a glass of water. Sadly, their hands brushed against each other unintentionally, making a searing sensation spread over their skin.

"God..." muttered the dryad, sipping the water, ignoring the burning sensation in her hand. "Seems too many people have been taking care of me recently."

"Is there something so wrong in that?" Asked the goth.

"Maybe," sighed the redhead. Not wanting the conversation to take any unpleasant turns, she said curtly, "You better get going, Wednesday. You've got to patch up Thing."

"Right," nodded the black haired girl, softly clearing her throat in disappointment. "But...I'm sorry. Again. For what I did. Please forgive me, Juniper. Think it over when you feel better, but please, do forgive me."

"I'm not ready, Wednesday," the dryad shook her head, placing the glass away. "I'm sorry, but...I'm not sure I can still trust your words."

"Understandable," sighed the girl dejectedly. "Goodnight, Juniper." She bowed her head in a respectful manner, before turning and leaving the room.

The second the door shut, Juniper looked at the glass in her hand, which was now empty. Her skin tingled where ever Wednesday's touch had graced it that night, which made an unexplainable anger bubble within her.

She moved Kelpie a safe distance away, before she clutched the glass tightly and flung it at the wall with such a force, it shattered into tiny pieces, making a dent in the wall.

Outside, Wednesday flinched upon hearing the glass break, subconsciously knowing that the dryad had thrown it in sheer anger, not even frustration. It made the goth want to kick herself. She knew that she was the one who caused the dryad to disconnect from almost everyone. She was the cause of Juniper's emotional exhaustion.

She was, ultimately, the source of the pain in Juniper's once-happy life.

Back in the dorm room, Juniper allowed angry tears to stream down her cheeks, as she used magic to clear the glass from the floor. She didn't know what had come over her, truthfully. The outburst had been so unexpected.

Perhaps it was because of everything Wednesday had done to her. The accusations is what had done it. The fact that their relationship was so broken, she didn't know what she could do to ever repair it.

Maybe Liliope was right? Perhaps it was time for her to forgive. It was the path of least pain. She'd been in emotional turmoil, with her constant headaches, this breakup, her mixed feelings towards Lyssa, and now even her raging hormones.

"Why can I never get a break, goddamn it?" She wailed, pressing her palms against her eyes as she lay back on the bed, once she'd changed out of her slightly mud-and-compost scented clothes.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now