Chapter 9

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It took most of the night for Carmen to establish a clear answer to her previous questions. Was she going to kill Levi? How would Petra and Oruo feel if she betrayed them? Was she prepared to go back to her old life?

No. Terrible. And no.

If she killed Levi, she'd betray her friends' trust, and never ever see them again. Although she knew her mission was supposed to be her priority, she'd evolved from the naive doll she once was. Now, Carmen was a soldier, a friend, a squad mate, and someone people could rely on. But most of all, she was human. Besides, she was out of the governments reach now, the scouts was secure.

"Carmen?" Petra tilted her head, the assassin had zoned off during breakfast.


"What were you thinking about?" She questioned.

"Nothing too important." Carmen replied, lying once again.

"You sure? You came in late last night, where were you?" The scout asked further.

"Is it your intent to watch over her like a youngling?" Oruo butter in, speaking stranger than usual. "If so, she is the eldest amongst us."

"Why are you talking like that?" Petra changed the topic. "What's going on?"

"He's trying to talk like captain Levi." Carmen accused. "Add a few jokes about shit, then you've cracked it."

"Again with the grudge Carmen." Petra scolded, Oruo was far more offended than he would have been a few months prior.

"Don't use such foul degradation in the same sentence as humanities strongest." He whisper yelled, but it didn't stop a few eyes moving towards the group, including some from the higher ups table.

"Oruo, you realise we're both going to be in trouble now?" She questioned, the man seemed confused. "I suggest we lie about it and say the two parts of the sentence held no common ground." She attempted, Oruo was concerned why she was so worried.

"Huh, Captain Levi is far above petty insults, make no mistake, he isn't a child, he's the manliest of men."

"Please stop." Carmen looked at him skeptically. "Three months ago you hated him, now you treat him like a god. Why?" She wondered. After all this time, she couldn't put her finger on why everyone actually liked Levi, because in truth, he was an ass to everyone. Sometimes even the commander. So why was everyone obsessed?


"Don't waste time chitchatting." Levi joined them, interrupting what Oruo was about to say, which was probably for the better because he was obsessed. Other than sitting beside them, Levi didn't say a thing, instead, he ate his breakfast, having no regard for the conversation he'd interrupted. Thus proving that Carmen was right, he was an ass.

"So, um..." Gunther decided to try and speak again, but he had no idea what to say. Usually, he would just talk about whatever popped into his head, but with Levi here, he was far too cautious.

"The weather is nice today." Eld tried to resurface conversation.

"It's overcast." Carmen shut down. "But, we are set to train today, so I suppose it could be worse." She added, sensing that Eld was annoyed.

"So, what training are we focusing on?" Petra asked, looking to Levi, who managed to stay quiet.

Luckily, Carmen stepped in. "I imagine we'll focus on group formations and how to assist one another. In other words, teamwork." She answered. "Though, I have a feeling hand-to-hand combat will come up." It was true, she knew Levi wanted to win that fight as much as she did, but since then, they'd never gotten the chance for a rematch. This would be the perfect opportunity.

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