Chapter 33

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Carmen wasn't entirely used to Mikasa's company. It was true that the two weren't previously fond of one another, however, now, they were as thick as thieves. Mikasa was grateful Carmen had a heart after all, and Carmen content that at least one of the squad members were treating her like a person, rather than a ruthless killer. It brought a sense of ease that neither expected, despite most the squad being terrified of the powerful duo.

"Levi should be arriving shortly." Carmen said to the squad, some cleaning as instructed, and others boiling water. "He probably won't be doing room inspections like last time. That said, we should at least keep the living and dining room tame."

A few nodded their heads, agreeing silently before complying to her brief orders. Her time in charge was short lived, and she was thankful that she wouldn't have to manage them much longer. Each of them had a shed of fear towards her, and she simply still wasn't used to giving orders instead of following them.

Throughout the commotion, the assassin peered beyond Mikasa to see Eren rubbing his eyes, finally awake after a traumatic experiment. "Headache?" She questioned the shifter, who was now rubbing his temples.

"How long was I out?" The boy asked after a hummed response.

"Just a day, you didn't miss much." She answered before turning to look towards the kitchen. "I'll make you some tea." She decided, seeing as Levi would be there soon anyway, and he would appreciate some black tea after his travels. "You should have lavender, it will help with your headache."

"Why would you know something like that, if you can't even feel pain?" Eren asked, baffled by her unseen knowledge. He was more surprised that she was being nice to him, it had only been a few weeks since she'd tried to kill him.

"Petra made tea for Levi a lot, she knew her stuff." Carmen explained, pouring some of the hot water into the cup.

Stunned, Eren's breath hitched at her reply. He'd said it before, but didn't know if it had truly sunk in - after all, he doubted Carmen heard anything he tried to say after the female titan attack. She was numb to the external world back then. But now, he had a chance to finally speak his mind.

"I'm sorry." He repeated, and Carmen stopped pouring the tea, still as ice. "They died, because of me. And you still saved me. I'm so sorry." His words were stuttered, regardless of how many times he'd revised the speech.

Carmen took a deep breath in, then finally released it. "It wasn't your fault." She turned towards him, placing the cup into his palms. "It was the female titans fault, she massacred them. Executed them." She rephrased. "That wasn't you. So, when that bitch gets out of her crystal, I'm going to be the one to kill her. Me."

Before Eren could form a response, Sasha entered the room, bow and arrow in hand. "Captain Levi and Hange are here." She revealed.

It only took a few moments for everyone to be seated at the dining table, tea served by Carmen. Though, even though they seemed pleased by the hospitality, Carmen could tell something was wrong. Hange, was a key giveaway, they were twiddling their thumbs and couldn't take their eyes away from their own hands.

"Something happened, didn't it?" Carmen wondered, speaking on behalf of the squad.

"It's that obvious?" Hange's replied casually, avoiding the severe topic. The woman simply nodded, hoping Hange would continued. "Last night, Pastor Nick was murdered in the Trost Barracks." A few gasped, but Carmen could only sit in silence, she had warned them. "I knew they would want him dead for cooperating with the scouts, but I never expected them to use soldiers to get the job done. I suspected they would use the dolls, that is their job after all." They looked at the blonde woman, hoping to retrieve any information.

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