Chapter 38

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The plan was simple, and with the help of their new allies - the Reeves company - capturing the MP's would be simple. Their location was an abandoned cottage, with a basement and even a few cells, it was clearly an old mp base that they had managed to come across.

Everything was perfectly in place, except for Carmen. Levi had ordered her to wait inside the cottage, just in case the MPs that they captured turned out to be familiar. Although she was grateful, the woman felt useless cooped up inside while her squad was fighting.

However, she trusted Levi's judgement, if he wanted her to stay inside, then she had no choice but to oblige. Her vision of the soldiers was limited by the tarp over their wagon, as much as she was on edge to see the men, she desperately hoped to uncover the mystery of their identity. It was daunting to think about.

Hence, as soon as Levi appeared through the doorway, her head snapped to his direction, eyes pleading to know the answer. "Did you get their names?" She asked him, Levi sighed, nodding his head.

"Ralph Wilson." He said the first, it didn't ring any bells. However, as soon as he opened his mouth to begin the second name, she just knew. "Djel Sannes"

Carmen froze. Unmoving, her mind flashed back to her whole childhood. The chains, the whips, the knives, the blood. She couldn't take it. Her hand reached for the knife strapped to her thigh and curled around it gently, when she unsheathed the blade, Levi immediately noticed.

"Wait!" He grabbed her hand that held the blade, barely doing anything to prevent her from interfering. If she actually wanted to, she could easily break free from his grasp, she didn't even need a knife to kill Djel. But for now, she would compose herself. "You know him?" It far more of a statement than a question.

Carmen scoffed and dropped the knife from her dominant hand, catching it with her other. The man gasped slightly and tried to counter her, but Carmen was quicker. Dropping to the floor elegantly, she swiped his feet out from under him, targeting his weaker leg. As soon as he was down, she straddled his waist and held the blade to his throat.

Despite the strong and quick actions, she knew she wouldn't kill him, so she slowly retracted the blade and tossed it aside. "I..." She began, losing her words. "That man has to die, he.... It was him. He doesn't deserve to live." Carmen whispered knowing the man beneath her could hear her loud and clear.

Levi lifted his hand, reaching out to her but deciding against it - the last thing she needed was for him to make things worse. "Don't be impulsive." He said, partially insulting her with his advice. "We need to find Eren and Historia, your squad. After we've gotten what we need, he'll be executed."

Carmen tilted her head. "Will I be the one to execute him?" She wondered.


"Then I refuse." She denied. "I need to kill him, it has to be me." Levi knew he couldn't beat her in his state, his leg was still healing, and she had weapons concealed all over her body, he would never stand a chance. Not to mention her insensitivity to pain. He needed to compromise.

"Fine." He reluctantly agreed. "I'll ask Erwin, but the final decision lays in his hands."

With the confirmation, the woman got back to her feet, holding out a hand for Levi to grab. Reluctantly, he took it and allowed her to support him - it was the least she could do for striking his leg.

"I'm sorry." She muttered, slightly ashamed. "It's just... you wouldn't understand." She walked away towards the bathroom, deciding while they transported the MPs that she would shower. It would save her from seeing Sannes' repulsive face.

Levi was speechless, but supported her action while he ordered the others to finally enter the building. They pushed the MPs into the basement and put the oldest in a dark room as the other was trapped into a cell. He wasn't going to enjoy torturing someone, but he could make an exception for Carmen's sake - this man was one of the causes for her pain, he would make sure he got what he deserved.

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