Chapter 16

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Carmen didn't have regrets, at least, not about how she reacted with Eren. Of course, she could've killed him, but at least that would put her squad at less of a risk. She knew what the world was capable of, and that it would swallow up anything that got in its way. So she didn't feel guilty for misjudging the situation, if anything, she was calm.

But, she was envious that everyone seemed to be gathered in the dining hall without her, so she ventured down the stairway and approached the door.

"He hates us." Petra sighed. "A squad is supposed to trust one another, and we completely turned on him."

"In all fairness, he did turn into a titan."

"It doesn't matter, we were still out of line. We went against Levi's orders."

"I'm surprised he let Carmen get away with what she did. I thought she was actually going to kill Eren for a second. Did you see the look in her eyes?"

"She'd never do that, she may seem all tough on the outside, but she's a softie. Back in training, she used to braid my hair on a nighttime."

How wrong they were. She was a cold blooded killer, and she was sure she hadn't gotten away with what had happened. Levi was yet to talk to her again, and she'd been in her room all afternoon. Though, she was certain Levi would reprimand her upon their next interaction.

"Ah, Carmen!" Hange burst through the main doors with Moblit carrying some of their workings. "Wow, didn't think you were one to eavesdrop."

"Section Commander. What do you want?"

"Please, just call me Hange." They stated and got to the point. "Would you be a dear and retrieve your captain and our titan saviour? It's very urgent."

"Fine, Section Commander." She returned and retreated to the basement, Eren's room.

"I told you, it's Hange."

"Mhm." Carmen dismissed. But before she could knock on the basement door, her name was mentioned, meaning once again, she had to eavesdrop.

"It's just Carmen." Eren had said.

"What about her?" Questioned Levi.

"She looked me in the eyes and I could tell, she was actually going to kill me. Thank you, for saving me." Eren muttered, but it was just loud enough for Carmen to make out. Which annoyed her because Levi didn't save Eren, she did, by choosing not to kill him. She hesitated, but if she hadn't, then Eren would have died.

"I didn't." Levi countered, shocking the two listeners.

"What? But you pushed her out of the way. You took her down and sent her home crying." Now that, pissed Carmen off.

"I've seen her kill titans faster than that, if she wanted you dead, she would've done it. Besides, even if I took her down, she was too calm. She could've easily gotten out of it, and if she had, you would've been dead either way. So instead of thanking me, you should thank her." Did Levi actually understand her? It was strange, he was supposed to be her target, and somehow, he was defending her.

"But, she tried to kill me."

"Everyone did." Levi retorted. "Listen, all I know is she's a powerful ally, but an even more dangerous enemy. I suggest, if you want to survive the next expedition, you try and get on her good side. Otherwise, she'll leave you for dead."

"Leave me for dead? Isn't it her duty to keep me alive?"

"Maybe, but it was also her duty to obey my orders, she didn't seem to care for them when the moment arose."

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