Chapter 19

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For once, Carmen was trusting her target, she didn't like it, but desperate times called for desperate measures. However, the only reassurance she had was that she assumed the trust was mutual, he trusted her enough to give her a sign, which had to mean something.

"Was that an acoustic round?" Eren asked, finally taking his hands away from his ears.

"Remind me of our mission." Levi told him. "Is it to simply act on impulse in the heat of the moment? Let me answer that question for you. It's not, this squads mission is to keep this brat alive, whatever the cost. Don't forget it." He scolded the squad, keeping them in line. "We keep pushing forwards on horseback, is that clear?"

"As a bell, sir." Petra confirmed.

"But for how long? We can't keep running forever. She's right on top of us as it is, if we don't do something soon- No!" Eren questioned until he saw more reinforcements attempt to take down the female titan. "They keep coming, they're all gonna die unless we turn around and do something." Eren urged.

"Eyes front, stop looking behind!" Gunther scolded.

"Seriously?" The shifter yelled.

"Keep pace with the group, maintain top speed or we're all dead!" Eld added.

"Eld please! Help them! If the Levi squad can't do it, then who can? Those men need us!" Eren begged, trying to persuade the squad to turn around, but their orders were already given. No matter how many men failed to take down the titan, the squads gaze remained fixated onwards. "Another one damn it!" He alerted, as if they hadn't heard their screams. "Carmen! You said you care about the squad, well if you don't do something then she's going to catch up to us! Don't you care about your comrades?!"

It was pathetic really, a 15 year old was trying to manipulate an elite assassin, Carmen didn't even spare him her words, instead, she gave him one of her deadliest glares, making him stop talking immediately. Guilt tripping didn't work when she was raised to never feel guilty, regardless of the blood on her hands, she was taught red was a pretty colour.

"Another! Dammit, he didn't have to die! Come on, there's still one left, we can save him!" He attempted again, but was shut down by Petra.

"Do as you're told Eren! Eyes forwards!" The other woman in the squad demanded.

"How can all of you just ignore what's happening back there!? Are you telling me to abandon my comrades? Is that it!?"

"Dammit Eren, yes. Stop whining and do as your captain tells you!" The strawberry blonde continued to order, but Eren didn't pay much attention.

"Why are we letting people die!? If this is part of some bigger picture, why can't someone explain it to me!?" He continued, but no one really knew the bigger picture, other than Levi who hadn't made any attempts to silence Eren's outburst, and although Carmen was close to the truth, she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Theirs not to reason why! Theirs but to do and die!" Oruo yelled. "You'd understand what that meant if you weren't a useless greenhorn!"

"Tennyson?" Carmen questioned Oruo, hoping she was finally right.

"Actually, it is." Oruo would have smiled if his life wasn't in danger, but he was glad his friend was taking notes on his monologues. "Stifle it Eren, behave like a soldier!" He scolded again.

Then, out of the corner of her eye, Carmen saw Eren bring his hand closer to his mouth. She knew he was up to something when he decided to go quiet, because no one would willingly follow Oruo's advice without an ulterior motive. "Don't do it!" Carmen yelled, making him hesitate. "You turn into a titan now, and the rest of us will be caught up in the blast. You'll kill us." She tried to convince, and it worked, he slowly began to lower his hand. Until someone else added their own input.

"I wouldn't blame you, do as your conscience dictates. But Eren, listen, you are not inherently evil, your ability to change doesn't make you a monster. That said it could be the other way around, how are you supposed to know where to draw the line? Whether you lose control or freely give it away, maybe it's the same. Look Eren, we don't agree because our experience brings us to opposing views, as life. At the end of the day there's no reason to go against how you see it. The choice is yours, you can trust yourself, or you can trust the people willing to put their lives on the line for you. I don't know which way is better, I never have. Should I act on my own instincts or put myself in the hands of my comrades and trust them. Either way, there's no guarantee, in the end, you chose what you chose. If afterwards your regrets are at a minimum, good for you." The captain said.

Eren looked back, seeing another soldier get closer to the titan, and ever so slowly, he brought his hand back up to his mouth. Carmen hated that she had to wait and trust that Levi had gotten through to him, if it was up to her, she would've killed the enemy ages ago.

"Trust us!" Petra pleaded again, only this time, it seemed to work.

"Eren! Come on! Make up your damn mind!" Levi encouraged, they must have been approaching wherever they'd been running towards.

"I'm with you!" Eren reluctantly yelled back, trying to ignore the pain of his comrades.

But it was far more difficult to ignore the constant footsteps of the enemy. "Targets accelerating!" Gunther revealed.

"Just keep moving, we'll outrun the bitch." Levi ordered, and the light bulb suddenly lit in Carmen's head. They were leading the titan into a trap, meaning Erwin knew this would happen from the beginning, he was insane. But a genius all at once, she had to give him that.

Just as the titan outstretched it's hand for Eren, the squad saw the rest of the centre ranks, each of them hidden in the trees with dozens of canons by their sides, she was right, it was a trap. "Fire!" Erwin commanded, the flashes and blasts were enough to capture the titan. Securing the squads freedom.

When they'd gained enough distance, Levi made his next orders. "Everyone, hitch your horses a but further on. Switch to ODM gear. I have to break away for a little while, Eld's in charge until I get back. Tuck Eren somewhere out of sight, away from the female titan." He said.

"Yes sir." The squad quickened their pace but the assassin decided to trail behind slightly.

"So this was the plan?" She asked when she was out of the others earshot. "Can't say I'm not impressed. Though I still don't know why I wasn't allowed in on it."

"It's not over yet, stay on guard." Levi answered her. "And see to my horse." He switched to his ODM gear, knowing Carmen had a soft spot when it came to their animal aids.

"Fine." She answered his and took the horses reigns before catching up with everyone else.

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