Chapter 47

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It took Levi a while to regain his concentration after Carmen's words, but when when he did, he quickly scribbled words into the mountain of paperwork Erwin had given him. He didn't even know if it was coherent, never mind accurate, however that was Erwin's problem - not his.

Hearing a knock at his door, the captain was quick to reply, expecting the woman occupying his thoughts to enter. Unfortunately, when he saw a tall figure with messy brown hair stick their head through the doorway, disappointment clouded his features.

"Gooood morning Levi." Hange greeted as they entered his office - way too joyful for an early morning.

"It's too early for your shit." The man replied dryly, continuing to write his work. "What brings you here?" He finally asked, noticing Hange's eyes scanning his office in search of something. "Hey." He interrupted their investigation and forced the scientist to smile in his direction.

"You had a girl in here, didn't you?" Hange teased, winking suggestively at Levi. Though it wasn't really a question, they were well aware that he did. "So, who was it?"

The man sighed, he truly wasn't in the mood for Hange's antics, especially when he was questioning everything that had happened between him and Carmen. He imagined Hange's input would only make matters worse, besides, they had the wrong idea of what occurred.

Shaking his head, Levi decided to deny Hange's theories. "What are you talking about?" He shut down, hoping it was convincing enough to make them leave.

However, Hange was an adamant scout. "Don't play coy with me Levi, I heard you talking to her last night, and this morning." They persisted. "So spill - who was it?"

Rolling his eyes, Levi decided to ignore the section commander, focusing back towards his work despite Hange leaning on his desk. "Don't you have paperwork?" He questioned them.

"Come on, it's no fun when you deny it." They pried. "I already have a few guesses as to who it was." Levi stayed quiet, perhaps if he ignored the problem long enough, then it would just get up and leave. "Was it Carmen? You two are quite close, but then again, she's not the one-night-stand type. My other guess is one of the new recruits, she's older than the others but she's quite weak, I heard she ranked 78th in her class. But I just can't picture you with her, she's too sweet."

Levi gritted his teeth as he tried his hardest to ignore their presence. He hated how wrongly they'd perceived the situation, and how casually they were talking about a situation that was so personal. "You've got it wrong." Levi disagreed with them. "I'm actually busy, so if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to work."

Unfortunately for him, Hange simply took a seat at his desk and continued to bother him. "Moblit and I have a bet running." They rambled as Levi rubbed his temples in agony. "I betted on Carmen of course. But Moblit betted that I was hearing voices again." They revealed. "It's a good thing you've admitted you had a woman in here - it means I'm not going crazy."

"When did I ever admit that?" Levi said flatly, he couldn't believe they were staying.

Smirking, Hange fixed their glasses up the bridge of their nose - Levi knew he shouldn't have bothered asking. "I'm glad you asked." They began. "Your bed isn't made, meaning someone slept in it. We both know you don't sleep in it, so someone else must have. Secondly, there's two cups here." They pointed at the teacups at opposite sides of Levi's desk. "You must have had someone sat here this morning and made them tea. You're a stubborn bastard so it must have been someone special. And thirdly, you're ignoring me, which must mean I'm right."

"You can leave now." Levi didn't bother trying to argue any further, he'd already been bested so why continue denying it. Plus, he didn't want Hange to push the subject any further, he knew they would definitely try..

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