Chapter 52

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Her mind was racing yet completely blank. Had she really just done that? Had she kissed Levi? She knew the answer and felt the sensation on her lips, even after she'd left his office. However, she had one question that went completely unanswered.

"What now?" She muttered from the other side of Levi's door. Knowing she wanted more, she refused to give up now. Everything she'd done in that office was intentional, and fulfilled all of her goals, she held no regrets but was still somehow lost.

Mindlessly, she wandered down the corridor before stopping outside a familiar door. She'd never been inside that office before, only heard screams and seen Moblit leave in a panic, but she figured she knew exactly what was behind that door. Reluctantly - deciding that it was her final option - Carmen knocked on the door.

Within an instant, there was a crash from inside and she could hear the hurried footsteps of the culprit before they finally opened the door. The scientist looked at Carmen, smirking slightly. "Well-" Hange said loudly and smugly, but Carmen quickly put her hand over Hange's mouth, silencing them.

"Quiet." She warned them, knowing Levi's office was just next door. "Can we go somewhere more private?" She wondered. Hange nodded their head, a muffled agreement leaving their covered mouth. "Good." She took her hand away from the section commander and began to slowly walk, expecting Hange to follow - which they did.

"What brought you to my office? Hm?" They asked as the two aimlessly strolled down the empty corridors of the building. The blonde sighed, she hated she had to resort so lowly to get advice.

"I need your help." Carmen revealed, clearly annoyed and reluctant.

"Oh? Whatever with?" They taunted, fully aware of what Carmen wanted. It was fun to tease someone so closed off, but they mostly just wanted at least one of their victims to admit they were in love with the other. This was an opportunity.

"Don't be like that." Carmen scolded. "It's already difficult to explain what I'm about to, but you're the only friend I have who knows, and isn't a teenager." She explained, watching Hange's features light up at the word 'friend'.

"Well, as your friend, I'm happy to help." They quickly switched their approach, seeing an opportunity that they couldn't waste. "So spill." Prompted Hange.

Sighing, Carmen looked away from the section commander, slightly embarrassed at what she was about to admit. "I kissed Levi, and now-"

"What!" Her request was interrupted as she was roughly grabbed by Hange. They looked more than amazed, perhaps even proud of her for her actions. Out of her and Levi, Hange never expected it to be Carmen to admit her feelings. If anything, they were certain that their advice to Levi would have done the job and been threatening enough to make the captain step up. They were just shocked.

"I asked him if I could kiss him, and he said yes." The assassin repeated, though she was certain Hange had heard the first time.

"Out of the blue?" Hange questioned her, desperate to know more about the interaction. They'd been waiting months for one of them to step up, and to hear it from Carmen so bluntly just wouldn't cut it.

"Does it matter?"

"Do you want my help of not?" They threatened. Carmen looked at them sceptically, understanding she was in no place to make demands when she was the one in need of help. She could always ask Moblit for advice, but she hadn't spoken to him in a while, besides, Hange already knew most of the story.

"Fine." The woman scoffed. "After you left, it was awkward. He heard you say he was pretty and found it weird. I told him you only said it because I'd told you - in confidence - that I thought he looked pretty. Then I got nervous and told him I had to go, that's when he told me that he thought I was beautiful." With every word, Hange seemed more and more invested in the confession. "Inside and out." Carmen elaborated. "That's when I knew, I just had to kiss him."

"He called you beautiful?" Hange asked, to which Carmen nodded. "That's so sweet. But why'd you need my help? You've already got him hooked if he said yes."

It was true, she knew Levi had to feel the same way if he agreed to kiss her, especially since he'd warned her never to kiss him again after their first accidental kiss. But that was months ago, before he knew too much about her and before she finally started to see him as a person rather than a target.

"I don't know what to do next?" Carmen revealed. "I don't want things to happen too fast before either of us know what's going on. I'd much rather take it slow to understand everything better."

Hange smiled, they'd been dreaming of this moment for months, a chance to finally enhance the relationship between Carmen and Levi. Now it was practically being handed to them. "I know exactly what you need to do." They fixed their glasses into place.

"And that would be..." Carmen rolled her eyes, wanting them to get to the point.

"Ask him on a date." The scientist answered simply, suddenly making Carmen feel like a complete idiot. Of course, she should have thought of that. It was the normal thing to do, which was probably why it didn't occur to her.

"Oh." Realisation clouded her features as she strategised. "Thanks, Hange. I appreciate it." She expressed to the section commander, who simply waved before Carmen turned away and began to walk back down the corridor. Her plan was forming in her head, she knew exactly what to do, but just had to figure out how to officially ask Levi out.

She'd asked noblemen out before, back when she was a doll, however they mainly went to bars or rich restaurants. Now was different, this date wasn't going to show off wealth, or avoid attention. This date was going to be about them, and only them.

Her knuckles gently knocked against Levi's office door. As soon as she heard his approval, she entered the office. It was obvious he'd expected someone else when his annoyed expression quickly eased, Carmen only hoped she wasn't interrupting anything.

"You're not busy, are you?" She asked him as her eyes trailed to the stack of papers and the quill in his hand.

Levi put the quill down. "Nothing that can't wait." He answered, intrigued by whatever Carmen wanted to tell him. That kiss meant something to him, and he was overjoyed to know that Carmen felt the same way about him as he did her. He was also glad that she took the lead, he didn't know much about relationships, or any of the details that came with them. He'd spent his whole life closed off and now he was facing the consequences.

"Good." Carmen stated. "I was wondering if you're free tonight? There's a tearoom that's opened up in Orvud district, and we could try it out together?"

Levi hesitated for a moment. It was clear that she'd picked out the location to benefit him and his love for tea, and also that she'd arranged it in the evening so he could have time to do his paperwork beforehand. He loved how thoughtful she was.

The problem was, he'd already made arrangements for that night. However, he could compromise, for Carmen at least. "I'd like that." He replied, causing the woman to finally relax. "But I promised Historia I'd visit her orphanage to check on the kids from the underground."

"Oh." The blonde seemed disappointed by his response, but she tried not to show it. After all, that didn't mean he wasn't willing to reschedule. "So, rain check?" She suggested, but Levi shook his head - making her worry.

"We can still go tonight. As long as you don't mind stopping by the orphanage after?" He offered and Carmen nodded her head eagerly. "Good."

"Yeah, good." Carmen agreed before finally regaining her composure. "So, 4PM? I'll stop by here when I'm ready and then we'll take the horses."

The two of them tried not to show how happy they were, and instead decided to wait until they were alone before fully acknowledging what was about to happen. Carmen reached for the doorway, planning on finding Hange again for more advice - but she wasn't about to leave without one last remark.

"I'll see you then." Levi nodded his head, agreeing with her terms.

"Likewise." She smiled slightly. "And, Levi." She regained his attention, which had been fading since she was about to leave. "Wear that blue suit - it brings out your eyes."

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