Chapter 29

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It was strange spending so much time with Levi without thinking of his inevitable death. Looking back at it, maybe Carmen was grateful she'd let him live over the years. Currently, her original mission seemed out of the question. They certainly weren't friends, however they were far from just strangers who were suspicious of one another.

"What's going to become of me now?" The assassin questioned. The hard part was over; confessing. But now, she had to place her fate in the hands of the people she was ordered to kill, she just hoped she'd been right to trust them enough to explain the key details, even if there were still mysteries that she'd prefer not to reveal.

"We'll wait for the scouts to come back, when they do, we'll let Erwin know everything. He should know what to do."

How could she forget about the Commander- a man who probably knew everything before she did. He asked her a few questions before, and he implied a few things too. She wouldn't be surprised if he already knew everything. Nevertheless, Carmen was going to comply, it had already been decided after all.

"Sure." She replied without much enthusiasm, though Levi expected her to act this way. Emotion was a rarity for the woman before him. "That's if he makes it back alive."

Now, she was eying him with her siren eyes. It was as though she knew something he didn't, challenging him. But that wasn't the case. "Why do you say that?" He inquired.

"He's always been the type to make a gamble. Not to mention that Eren's out there too. If Eren's in trouble, there's no doubt he'll put his own life on the line." She theorised.

"Your observational, though, that's required for your job." His words jabbed at her, but it was deserved, right?

"I'd prefer if you didn't refer to it as a job." Carmen said dully.

"Hm." The captain quietly hummed, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable, yet being to stubborn to upright apologise to the woman. "We'll head to the barracks for now, we aren't much help just wandering around. Not to mention, as soon as the breach is found, countless citizens will be in need of housing. Best get there fast." Carmen nodded, heading back to find her horse, Bowie.

When mounted upon it, the two rode the horse to the nearest barracks, despite Levi insisting he could find a spare horse, which he couldn't. But Carmen didn't mind, neither did Bowie, who'd previously bitten all of her friends who tried to stroke him. But it was expected, after all, Levi's horse was similar to hers.

"How's your leg by the way?" She asked in an attempt at small talk, which she figured was best to ease the tension between the two.

"Fine enough?" He replied. "Your wound? Have you been redressing it?"

"Not in a while. It'll likely leave another scar to my collection." She joked, but when Levi didn't show any response, she'd figured she'd confirm it. "A joke."

"It wasn't funny."

Carmen tilted her head, that wasn't the usual reaction. Usually her friends either laughed or shook their heads in amusement. Could it be, she wasn't actually funny? "Are you sure?" She questioned. "I've been told I've gotten better at my jokes."

"If that's better, I'd rather not think about what they sounded like before you joined the scouts." Levi scoffed, not showing much sympathy towards the fact she grew up without interaction, she was still new to it all.

"Says you." She retorted. "Your jokes consists of the words 'shit' 'ass' and 'crap'. Seriously, do you have anything better to offer?"

"It's still better than the shit you say." He replied casually, receiving an unknown eye roll from the assassin holding the reigns of the horse.

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