Chapter 11

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"Captain Levi, what are our new orders?" Carmen asked, all the others were wondering the same thing, why pull them out so early?

"There's been a change in plans, word on the frontlines is that there's a titan on our side. It's going to reseal the hole in Trost. Our orders are to defend it, make sure nothing gets close enough." He explained. "Have you all replenished your supplies?"

"Yes, Captain." Eld answered.

"Good. Then let's get going. The others can follow our lead." Levi instructed and shot his hooks onto the wall before quickly running up it. Without hesitation, Carmen followed, pulling the chain of other scouts behind her. Time was precious, if she wasted it, then the orders would be meaningless.

After the scouts climbed the wall, they took note of their surroundings. Most of the titans were gathered in a corner of Trost while soldiers acted as bate. All while a 15 metre titan carried a giant boulder over it's shoulder. However, the closer it walked to the hole, the more titans disregarded the group and trailed off course to the allied titan. Carmen jumped, it was her duty to make sure that titan completed it's job, she didn't have time to waste.

"Carmen!" Petra yelled after her, but it was no use, because orders always came first in the mind of an assassin.

"Wait for the okay next time." Levi scolded and appeared beside her, he must have had the same idea and jumped at a similar time. "You hear me?"

"I assumed the order was to protect that titan. It's in danger, I don't have time to waste." Carmen sped away and cut down one of the outlying titans. 152.

"You're too impulsive." Levi scoffed as Carmen cut the achilleas heal, giving Levi an opening to a nape.

"I do my best work impulsively." Carmen replied and picked up her speed. Then, suddenly, she felt a gust of wind blow her hair out of her face, sending some dust towards them. Was the wall sealed? She didn't know, there was too much dust, but either way, their ally was in danger. Hence, she darted to the boulder only to see a blonde boy gripping onto a human body, he was trapped in the flesh of a titans nape. The situation was too confusing to question, instead, Captain Levi took the reigns.

"Ignore it, focus on taking down the titans." Levi noticed her confusion and then attached his hooks onto the first titan, spiralling towards it with ease and precision.

Carmen followed his action and cut down the others that were closing in, then landed beside Levi. She was overflowing with questions. What's going on? Who is he? Is it human or titan?

"Pay attention kiddo's, this is the part where you explain to me exactly what I'm looking at." Levi demanded of the teenagers they'd saved.

"Well, that boy appears to have been cut out of that titan." Carmen tried to add her input, but Levi already knew that much. "Was that you? Were you that titan? Are you a titan?" She asked.

"He's human!" A girl with dark hair yelled back. "He's not a titan!"

"The premier will be the judge of that." Levi countered. "Find Erwin and inform him of the situation. I'm sure he'll have something interesting to say about this." He told Carmen.

"Of course." She replied before flying towards where the other scouts were gathered. It was crazy. The existence of a titan boy could cause chaos within the walls. Kill him, or use him? That would be the debate circulating around soon, and if not kept under control, it could spiral into war. At least, that's what she was told back then. But knowing the Military Police, if things didn't go their way, they'd easily resort to murder.

"Commander Erwin." Carmen landed beside him. "I have some news."

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