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As soon as the sun ray falls on Minji's eyes, she frowns and covers her face with the pillow. Soon after her alarm goes on. Minji pushes away the pillow from her place and takes her phone to turn it off. Then she checks the time, it's 7 am and currently it's -6°C outside.

Minji makes an annoyed sound. Going to university this early in this freaking weather is really so horrible. Especially when she has a cold allergy. She is so sensitive to cold weather and things because she catches colds very easily.

"Tch who cares about classes anyway, always put yourself first" Minji said and lay down again.

"But I don't even care for myself" Minji sighs as she says this while looking at the empty ceiling emotionlessly.

"I should go to university since it's the first" Minji sighs again and gets up.

As soon as the alarm goes on, Hanni immediately gets up and turns it off.

"Gosh finally it's d-day. I am finally going to uni" Hanni jumps out from the bed excitedly.

"Always wanted to leave school and go to uni. Finally it's happening today. First of all I should go and wash my face and then get ready. Thank god I chose my outfit last night. Pham Hanni you are so organized" Hanni pats her head.

After almost an hour she finally gets fully ready for the uni. She checks herself for the last time in the mirror.

"Alright Hanni, your new life starts from now on. Goodluck you can do it" She pats her shoulder and winks at the reflection in the mirror before heading out.

The class was full with students and it was very noisy. The moment Minji steps inside the classroom she sighs. She used to love chaotic classrooms and places. Nowadays she tries to avoid these and likes to stay alone. She analyzes the whole class and figures out an empty space in the back of the second row. She immediately goes there so no one can take away that place before her. She sits down and hopes no one will sit beside her.

"I hope this day will pass away soon. I just want to go home and sleep" Minji sighs for the nth time.

"Minji,Minji wake up" I hear a faint voice calling me.

I slowly open my eyes but my head starts hurting a lot. It's so dark here I can't see my surroundings properly. All I can tell is that I am on snowy ground and it's snowing heavily. I can't move my body because it's numb. I can see blood on my hand. My vision is very blurry. I look at the direction from where the faint voice is coming. A figure who is under a car? The car is upside down and broken. Clearly it was in an accident a while ago. Oh yeah I remember that figure pushing me away right before the crash.

"Dani...." All I could reply.

"Wake up Minji" I hear again.

"Wake up, wake up...."

"Kim Minji, wake up" Minji wakes up after hearing the shout and slam on her desk.

Minji gets very surprised by the sudden shout and slam. She shakes her head to wake up fully and looks in front of her. It's their professor.

"Shit I fell asleep during the lecture" Minji curses in her head.

"Ms. Kim Minji, it's only the first lecture and you already fell asleep?" The lecturer gives deathly stares to Minji.

Hanni was writing something in her notebook but the sudden chaos made her look behind at the back of her row. There she sees their angry Professor giving deadly stares to a girl who is looking down on her desk, clearly feeling sorry.

"I am sorry,Professor" Minji says, hanging her head down.

"From next time don't attend class if you want to just fall asleep" By saying that, their professor walks away.

Minji sighs and sits down again. She starts doodling in her notebook and trying to just not feel sad. Hanni looks at Minji once again.

"She looks like a sad puppy somehow" Hanni whispers to herself.

When the class ends Hanni decides to look back to Minji again. Somehow she found the character interesting. But she saw Minji packing her backpack and started leaving. When Minji was about to leave the classroom Hanni noticed a scarf was on the desk Minji was sitting on. Since nobody sat with her, Hanni assumes the scarf belongs to Minji. She goes to the desk and picks up the scarf and then looks out for Minji who has already left the classroom. Hanni immediately takes her backpack and runs out from the classroom. There she sees the taller girl walking away in the corridor. Hanni starts running towards her.

"Excuse me excuse me" Hanni shouts while running.

Minji hears the shouting. She wasn't sure if anyone was calling her since she seemed to have not been getting anyone's attention except for the professor's who scolded her for sleeping during lecture. But she still stops and looks behind. There she sees a girl shorter than her running towards her.

Hanni stops right in front of Minji and starts panting. Minji was looking at her in confusion. Hanni takes some time to calm down.

"Were you calling me?" Minji talks first.

Hanni gets taken aback by Minji's deep voice. She doesn't know why but she wasn't expecting Minji to have such an attractive voice.

"Ye-yeah I was" Hanni replies while panting.

"What is it?" Minji asks.

"I found this scarf on your desk and assumed that you probably left it there accidentally" Hanni shows her the scarf.

Minji touches her neck and notices she wasn't wearing her scarf.

"Oh my god, thank you so much. I really needed this" Minji takes her scarf and bows.

"You are welcome" Hanni bows too but when she puts up her head she sees Minji already started walking away.

"Ah um" Hanni thought about stopping her but stopped. She doesn't know if it's okay to stop the taller girl since she seemed not to be too interested in talking with her.

"Alright I will try talking to you some other day, stranger" Hanni laughs softly.

"But she looks oddly familiar somehow. It feels like we have met somewhere before" Hanni thinks while walking away.

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