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"Hanni, my head really hurts a lot" Minji says while holding her head.

"I told you you didn’t need to come with me. You should have stayed at home and rested. You know how bad your migraine is" Hanni worriedly says and pats Minji's head.

"I just didn’t want you to come to the store alone at 10 pm" Minji chuckles.

"And now you are suffering like this for that" Hanni sighs and holds Minji's arm.

"Let's go home. We will come tomorrow" Hanni starts pulling Minji with her.

"But don't you have important things to buy?" Minji asks.

"They are not more important than you. Let's go now" Hanni replies and starts walking away from the store, pulling Minji with her.

"Can you drive instead? I don't think I can drive with this headache" Minji says, still holding the right side of her head.

"Sure I can" Hanni replies and opens the door to get into the driver's seat.

"Thank god" Minji gets into the passenger seat beside Hanni and puts on her seatbelt.

"Your aunt's car is so fancy" Hanni giggles and starts the engine.

"My aunt is super rich, what do you expect? It's surprising that she lets me borrow her car whenever I want even though it's so fancy" Minji says while resting her head on the seat.

"Probably that's why she lets you borrow it. Because if anything happens she can just buy another one" Hanni wheezes while driving.

"Doesn’t mean I have to destroy this car for that" Minji laughed as she closed her eyes for the pain.

Hanni turns on the radio at a low volume. She could turn on any song but she knows she will get distracted by the songs so just turned on a news fm. The road is so slippery today due to the snowfall.

It was still snowing lightly when they drove off. But suddenly the snowfall is getting heavier every minute. Minji opens her eyes and looks through the window beside her seat. She can tell that the snow is getting heavier. Something is making her feel uneasy suddenly. She raises her head which was resting on the seat to look in front of the car. She can’t really see everything clearly. She looks at Hanni and can tell she is having a hard time driving the car.

"Hanni, I think we should stop somewhere. It's snowing heavily right now" Minji says and can feel her voice is very shaky.

"We are on the highway. I can't just pull off and stop. Plus it's a forest beside this highway. No way we should stop" Hanni replies.

Minji is wide awake now. Somehow she can't feel her headache anymore. Her heart starts racing fast so suddenly. She feels like something bad is going to happen soon. She looks at Hanni again and is struggling so much to see in front of the car.

"It feels like that night" Minji mumbles.

"Hanni,we should really stop now. I don't care if we are on the highway or something" Minji panics.

"Okay okay fine" Hanni says and hits the brake.

"What the fuck…" Hanni mumbles.

"What's wrong?" Minji frowns.

"The brake…." Hanni's voice starts shaking.

"It's not working…" Hanni looks at Minji in absolute horror.

"WHAT?" Minji shouts.

"Oh no god what's gonna happen now" Hanni looks up and tries her best to hit the brake while driving.

Minji looks up to the road. It's snowing a lot. She is getting the flashbacks of that scary night. The night which literally changed her whole night. 

"Ha-hanni there is a car in front of us" Minji shouts while shuttering. 

"Good lord. We are in danger" Hanni says in her shaky voice.

Hanni can see the headlights of the car in front of them. Suddenly she feels a sharp pain on the back of her head. She manages to move the steering wheel to the left which causes the car to move away from the highway to the forest. Minji tries her best to not to freak out and focus on the road and the steering wheel. Hanni suddenly leaves the steering wheel and holds her head by sides with both of her hands. It feels like her head is tearing apart. It started right after seeing those headlights.

"Hanni? Hanni?? What's wrong?" Minji panics and holds the steering wheel by herself.

"I…don't know.." Hanni replies while strongly pressing her head with her hands. It's hurting too much for no reason. And she can hear some voices?

"Han, remember that I love you forever"

"Han, I really love you so much"

"Even if I do not exist anymore please try to find happiness still"

"Because I want to be happy forever, because I love you so much"

"Ugh WHO ARE YOU? STOP TALKING PLEASE" Hanni yells and presses her head more while closing her eyes.

"Hanni? What are you talking about?" Minji worriedly looks at Hanni.

Minji can tell there is no way they can escape an accident like this. Plus something is wrong with Hanni. And she cant forever move the steering wheel from the passenger seat by dodging the trees in this forest. She quickly unbuckles her seat belt and then unbuckles Hanni's too. She looks in front of the car once and sees a big tree is approaching them.

Seeing this she hurriedly opens the door of the driver's seat. Minji pulls Hanni in a hug who is still holding her head tightly while closing her eyes. Minji wastes no more time and jumps out from the car while holding Hanni tightly in her embrace. They fall on the ground and luckily the surface is not that hard because it's covered with snow right now.

Minji looks at the car which is about to collide with the tree. She looks around and tightly hugs Hanni and covers Hanni's face and whole body with her's so nothing from that accident can harm Hanni in any way. After a while she hears the sound of the accident. She hugs Hanni even tighter in her embrace making sure nothing can touch her. 

"Ouch ughh" Minji whines after feeling that something hit her back.

She touches her back and feels something liquid. She pulls back her hand and tries to see but it's too dark here. She sniffs it and realizes that it's blood. Probably a broken glass or something hit her back.

Minji looks at Hanni who is in her embrace. She is breathing slowly and her eyes are half closed. Minji notices a small cut on Hanni's forehead which is bleeding.

"Oh god. How?" Minji mumbles and tries to wipe away the blood.

"Minji…" Hanni softly mumbles.

"Kim Minji…. Minji…." Hanni again mumbles.

Something suddenly hit Minji. She feels like she went through this same situation before. Not the accident, the way Hanni is mumbling her name. It feels like a total dejavu. She feels like she has faced this before.

"No way…" Minji mumbles.

"Minjibear..." Hanni mumbles again. Minji tightly hugs Hanni.

"Don't worry,Hanni. I got you. You are safe" Minji mumbles while gently patting Hanni's back.

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