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20th January,2027

Dear Dani,

How are you doing? I hope you are doing well in paradise. I heard angels are always welcomed in paradise and can stay there living a happy afterlife. So surely you are doing well. How is the weather in paradise by the way? I hope it's not cold. Because you are sensitive to cold just like your dear best friend. It's 7 years of you leaving this cruel world and going to live with angels in paradise. But you should have thought about us a little bit before doing that though. You know how hard it was for us to live without you. You were loved so much here. So that's why I am kinda upset about it.

But we can't change the reality anyway and I will be happy if you are happy in heaven. Because that's what I always wanted. A lot of things changed for good after you left. You know now I love reading novels? Thanks to your best friend for making me do it. See you couldn’t do it but your best friend did. You are a loser in this case. Joking by the way, don't be sad. I am still scared to watch horror movies but it's so fun watching it with your best friend. I didn’t know she was such a scaredy-cat like you. It's so entertaining watching her jumping out and the scared expression during the scary scenes. I wonder if you had the same reactions or not. Because I don't remember it.

You know Dani. I tried my best to remember everything. I tried to remember you. I tried to remember the memories we shared together. I tried so hard to remember. But I couldn’t remember anything. I am really sorry for that Dani. I hope you will be able to forgive me for this. I swear Dani I really tried hard. But don’t worry I am keeping the diaries,letters,pictures and the polaroids of us. I will always keep them with me. I will never erase the remaining memories of us. After all, once you were the love of my life.

Also don't worry about your messed up best friend. She isn’t a mess like before anymore. I mean she is still dumb and messy but less than before. And I am always taking care of her. You wanted me to find my happiness when you will not be here. And I found it, Dani. I found my happiness in Minji. She is my love,my life and my happiness. I love her more than anything in this world. She is literally the most perfect life partner ever. I thank god everyday for giving me Kim Minji in my life. She loves me the most. No one can ever love me and take care of me like she does. I am the happiest person to have her. We are so happy together.

That's it for today, Dani. I will write you a letter again soon. Till then take care of yourself. And hope you are happy watching from up there. I love you.

Your Han

Hanni puts the letter and the flower bouquet beside the grave. She looks at the tombstone and smiles a bit,not really a happy smile, not even a sad smile. It's mixed. 

"You didn’t make it to the end of my story. But I am sure you were one of the happiest parts of my story,Dani" Hanni smiles.

Hanni turns around to walk away but she notices a figure standing kinda far away, watching her.

"Haerin?" Hanni mumbles and walks towards her.

"Hi, Hanni" Haerin gives an awkward smile.

"I haven’t seen you in 2 years. Where have you been?" Hanni asks.

"I…I…umm" Haerin shutters.

"Umm I actually went outside of the country" Haerin replies.

"Why didn’t you inform me? Why did you cut the contacts between us?" Hanni holds Haerin's hand.

"I thought you wouldn’t care. After all, I am guilty of a lot of things. And I am still thinking about how to live properly with those guilts" Haerin lowers her head.

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