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Minji is trying to study mechanics in the uni's library. She is currently very frustrated and mad. And it's because she doesn’t even understand a single thing written in this book. How she is supposed to start the exercise. She checks her phone for the exam schedule.

"Shit man…." Minji curses after seeing the mechanics exam on Monday. Which means she only has 2 weeks but this the syllabus is big and she isn't understanding a single math or any formula. 

"I am clearly doomed" Minji mumbles and leans on the chair, closing her eyes. Soon after she dozed off.

"Help me….help…me…" I heard a faint voice while I was crying holding the face of Dani on my lap. 

I slowly raised my head in the direction from where the voice was coming. I tried wiping away my tears and slowly put back Dani's head on the snowy ground. She is looking so pretty even when she is pale and there are bloods on her face and forehead. My chest started hurting and soon I started crying again putting my head on her shoulder. I don't think I have ever cried like this before.

"Please….help…." I heard the voice again

This time I tried to get up and yelped in pain. My whole body hurts so much. Blood is dripping from my forehead and right side of my stomach. I lifted up my shirt a bit to see why it was bleeding. There I had a very long cut there. Must be for the broken glasses of the car.

"Help…." I stared at the direction. My vision is really blurry right now. All I can see is that another half broken car is there but it doesn’t seem like as damaged as our one. Because it still has headlights on. I can kinda see the surroundings around us just because of those faint headlights. But it’s driver's seat is open. And in front of it a figure is laying flat on the ground. Wait, is it the person's car with whom our car collided? 

I started walking towards the person while covering the right side of my stomach with my hand. It's hurting so much. I can't even walk properly. My legs are shaking and hurting a lot. When I finally reached the person I realized it's a girl. But I can't see her face properly because it's covered with blood. I kneeled down and put my fingers close to her nose. She is breathing but it is so faint and slow. Maybe she realized my presence because I saw her opening her eyes slightly.

"Who are…you?" She asked very quietly.

"Minji…Kim Minji" I replied whispering. I gotta do something quickly before something happens to her.

"Minji…" She mumbled while closing her eyes again.

"Kim Minji…" She mumbled again

"Kim Minji…"

"Kim Minji…"

"Kim Minji, wake up!!!" Minji wakes up by getting a violent shake.

She looked beside her and it was Hanni who shook her. She wipes her eyes since her vision was blurry.

"God dammit Minji how deep your sleep is?" Hanni says while shaking her head.

"Why what's wrong?" Minji yawns.

"I have been literally calling and shaking you for 5 minutes but you weren’t waking up at all. If it wasn’t for your snoring I would have thought you died or something" Hanni laughs while sitting beside Minji.

"I snore???" Minji frowns.

"Yes, well not really loud. It was very small and cute" Hanni wheezes.

Minji keeps a frowning face and shakes her head in disappointment. This girl beside her will always tease her every chance she gets. It's been 3 weeks since she got stucked with Hanni. Hanni made a lot of friends from their class and even befriended some seniors too. But most of the time she spends with Minji and the reason she stated is that it's because Minji is calm and quiet which helps her to express her chaotic side properly.

Minji still doesn’t know if they are friends or what. It's true they have been hanging out a lot but it's mostly Hanni just talking about everything and Minji just nodding even though she doesn’t understand most of the things. But she got to know about Hanni a lot. That's a positive thing.

"How long have you been sleeping?" Hanni asks while unfolding her laptop.

"40 minutes" Minji replies after checking the time on her phone.

"Where were you?" Minji asks.

"A senior asked me out on a coffee date" Hanni replies without removing her eyes from her laptop.

Minji frowns a bit. Hanni went on a date but didn’t even inform her? Well she isn't obligated to inform Minji of everything she does. But she thought they were close enough to at least share this type of thing between them. 

"What's wrong?" Hanni asked.

"Hmm? Nothing, why?" Minji looks at Hanni.

"You look so frustrated" Hanni finally looks at Minji.

"Ahh maybe it's because of the mechanics. You know that the exam is in 2 weeks but I seriously can't understand anything which is written in this book. I am gonna go crazy" Minji sighs.

Hanni analyzes Minji's frustrated face and starts wheezing. She finds it very funny whenever Minji worries or gets frustrated for literally every simple thing. Minji is looking at Hanni with an annoyed face. She is literally in a life death situation but this girl is wheezing at her?

"Leave it to me. I will teach and explain it to you from tonight till the day before the exam" Hanni says and focuses on her laptop screen.

"Wait really?" Minji's eyes start sparkling.

"Yes really" Hanni looks at Minji again with a smile.

"Thank you so much Hanni" Minji holds Hanni's hand and gives it a squeeze. But soon after she pulls her hands back away and looks at her book.

Hanni can tell Minji is embarrassed by her own action. It's funny how Minji always gets embarrassed whenever she accidentally makes skinship with Hanni. And it’s entertaining for Hanni because whenever Minji gets embarrassed her cheeks and ears get red. Also she looks like a puppy which makes it more funny.

"How can someone be cute without even doing anything, I wonder" Hanni thinks in her mind and goes back focusing on her laptop again with a bright smile.

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