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Hanni is really annoyed right now. But she is trying her best not to show it. She came to get two coffees for her and Minji but had to meet the most annoying friend she has. Which is more irritating is that she keeps talking about Minji. It's not like she gets annoyed when someone talks about Minji but this situation is different. This annoying girl has a crush on Minji and now won't stop being annoying.

"Do you know what Minji's favorite color?"


"What's her favorite food?"


"Her favorite season?"

"I don’t know"

"What do you know then? You are her only friend and you don't know any of these?"

"Well I actually know but I don't want to tell you" Hanni crosses her arms and looks at her friend.


"Because if you are interested in her you should just go and ask her those by yourself" Hanni replies. She is so annoyed right now.

"But how. Minji doesn’t even talk with anyone" The girl pouts.

"Just try to approach her or something" Hanni said.

"I did, she only said 'hi' and then went back to reading her novel completely ignoring my presence" 

Hanni wheezes hearing it. Well it's typical Minji but this annoying girl getting this treatment from her crush which is Minji is even funnier.

"Maybe try again, I don't know" Hanni starts walking away.

"Wait" her friend stops her again which made Hanni rolling her eyes being too annoyed.

"Can you at least pass this letter to Minji?" She shows Hanni a letter.

"What? Why me?" Hanni frowns.

"Because I am scared to do it and you are her friend so you should do it on behalf of me. Thank you" The girl said while putting the letter in Hanni's backpack knowing Hanni can't stop her because she has coffee on both of her hands.

"Wa-wait—" Hanni couldn’t even finish her sentence because her friend walked away hurriedly. She only sighed and started walking to their table.

Minji was so focused on her novel that she didn’t notice that Hanni had already arrived with their coffee. Hanni looks at Minji and sighs in her mind. Sometimes she wants to snatch away Minji's books and tear them apart. She doesn’t know why she feels like it. And she always tells herself that it's obviously not because Minji is more focused on the books than her most of the time. She convinces herself all the time that she doesn’t need Minji's attention because she has plenty of friends and it's enough to get their attention. Plus it's not like Minji totally ignores her. She always listens to Hanni whenever Hanni starts talking about something.

But Hanni wished Minji would open up more. She only listens to Hanni but never says anything by herself. Not even about herself. Whatever she knows about Minji, she got to know them by herself. It's not like Minji doesn’t want to tell Hanni about herself. Minji doesn’t know how to do it or just thinks those are not important which makes Hanni upset. This girl always thinks low of herself and thinks that she doesn’t matter. Hanni wished Minji knew that she is definitely very important to someone and matters a lot.

"Here's your coffee" Hanni puts coffee in front of Minji.

"Ah thank you" Minji finally puts her head up from the book and takes the cup to drink her coffee.

"Also this letter" Hanni throws the letter to Minji and sits beside her.

"Letter for who?" Minji frowns.

"You" Hanni replies.

"From?" Minji asks while taking the letter.

"My friend who thinks you are really cool because you are calm and quiet and also spend most of your time reading those novels. She said it's very aesthetic for her" Hanni replies in a sarcastic tone.

"Seriously? She really said it?" Minji wheezes a bit.

"Yeah and said she has a crush on you but you kept ignoring her whenever she approached you" Hanni takes a sip from her coffee.

"I don't remember. Let me read this letter" Minji opens the letter.

"In front of me? Shouldn’t you do it alone?" Hanni raises her brow.

"You are acting like I don't do everything  in front of you. You know my every action even though I don't tell you those. So it doesn’t matter" Minji wheezes and opens the letter.

"Dear Minjibear" Minji reads it out loud which makes Hanni spill her coffee from her mouth.

"Minji what??" Hanni yells.

"Hanni lower down your voice others gonna stare" Minji says while looking around then worriedly. 

But Hanni doesn’t calm down. She is seriously mad right now. It was her who gave Minji that Minjibear nickname. And only she was supposed to call Minji by that. Not everyone can have access to that.

"How the fuck am I gonna calm down Minji" Hanni slams her hand on the table.

"What's wrong?" Minji asks which makes Hanni's blood boil.

"Are you for real? I made this nicname for you and only I can call you by this" Hanni yells.

"Calm down Hanni. It's just a nicname. Don’t overreact" Minji calmly replies.

Hanni annoyedly looks at Minji. It's "just" a nicname for her? Does she not understand the care and adoration behind the nicname? So now does anyone can call Minji by the nicname which she has created by adoring? It's all making Hanni burst off. Her body is literally shaking from being too mad. And she doesn’t want to act like it's all fine this time. Hanni takes her coffee cup and then throws the coffee on Minji's face.

"Hanni??? What the hell???" Minji yells.

"This is what you actually deserve. Now go to that girl and listen to her calling you Minjibear all the time. Do not fucking call or text me. Don't even come near me. Go die with that girl" Hanni yells on Minji's face then grabs her backpack before walking away.

"Unbelievable" Minji left dumbfounded.

Minji takes out her napkin and wipes her face along with her shirt which has coffee stains now. She looks around and notices everyone is staring at her curiously. She sighs and puts the napkin back in her backpack. She is supposed to be embarrassed but she is sad instead. She shouldn’t have said that. She didn’t know Hanni would be this much mad just by that. It's probably very personal to her. 

Minji looks at the letter on the table. Some coffee splashed on the letter too. She doesn’t feel like reading it anymore. But leaving the letter here is risky. If any of the students from her class finds it, she is gonna be the source of entertainment for them for the next couple of months. So she puts the letter in her backpack and finishes drinking her own coffee.

"Really ruined both of our day" Minji sighs and gets up to leave the place.

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