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"You seem to love this park more than me now" Hanni says while tapping her feet on the ground.

"Probably, I love sitting here and watching that quiet and calm lake" Minji's eyes spark as she says.

"You should thank me for bringing you here" Hanni says while fixing Minji's hair from her face.

"Obviously I thank you everyday whenever I come here" Minji looks at Hanni.

"When?" Hanni frowns.

"In my mind" Minji hesitantly lets out a small laugh.

"Why not do it face to face?" Hanni asks.

"Umm…..because I…am…shy" Minji nervously scratches her cheek.

Hanni laughs out. It's really funny to hear such a thing from Minji. Because whatever happens Minji easily doesn't admit if she is shy,nervous,sad,happy or anything. Hanni usually needs to read Minji's mood. So sometimes when Minji straightforwardly talks about how she is feeling it becomes pretty adorable. Well at least to Hanni it's adorable. 

Hanni is glad how much Minji changed in the span of 3-4 months after she told Minji that she should stop focusing on her books only and look around her. Minji now spends a lot of time wandering around. Mostly she gets curious about things and wouldn’t stop questioning about them to Hanni. Hanni acts like she is very annoyed by Minji's toddler-like behavior of asking about literally every single thing but she likes it a lot. She likes it because Minji talks with her more now. Even though it's about random things or just characters of the novels she has read. 

But Minji is still scared to socialize. Everytime Hanni tries introducing her friends to Minji, Minji just says random hi-hello and goes back to focusing on her books. Hanni thinks nothing she does can stop Minji from loving reading novels. It's her most favorite thing to do. But because of Minji, Hanni finds herself reading novels sometimes too. At first it was hard for her and she would get bored easily. But nowadays she kinda enjoys it. And loves talking about the storyline and characters with Minji. Sometimes they argue on which character is more strong,loving or iconic. But in the end of all the arguments Minji just gives up because Hanni is too stubborn to let Minji win.

Minji's second most favorite thing is going to the arcade for sure. One Sunday Hanni forced Minji to go to the arcade with her. At first Minji didn’t want to go at all. But once she discovered the games she became so addicted. Hanni can see how much Minji enjoys playing all the games there. She would smile ear to ear which is enough to make Hanni's day. And since then every Sunday Minji whines to Hanni to go to the arcade and play with her.

But Minji doesn’t like watching movies or dramas. Somehow she always gets bored and falls asleep. Even if it's the most thrilling or has a lot of suspense. Minji said it's boring and reading books with the same genres are more interesting. But one time it was really funny. Hanni asked Minji if they should try watching a horror movie. Minji saw the title and description then said they can give it a try because she has read the book from where this movie is adapted and it's not that scary. So that night they decided to watch the movie. Hanni was scared but Minji said not to and said she is there for her. So if she gets scared Minji is gonna calm her down.

The next thing that happened has to be the funniest and most confusing thing Hanni has witnessed till now. After 15 minutes of the movie Minji kept screaming and jumping out during every little scary thing. Seeing Minji's condition Hanni was so confused that she literally forgot to get scared and was busy calming Minji down. But they couldn’t finish the movie. Hanni turned it off because if they tried to finish it Minji would have definitely had a heart attack. Minji later explained she didn’t think that the movie version would be this scary. Minji then forced Hanni to stay with her at night that whole week because she was scared to sleep alone.

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