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"I am home" Minji says and closes the door behind her.

"Minjiii" Hanni was watching tv but hearing Minji she runs towards her and jumps on her.

Good thing Minji holds Hanni at the right time or else they both would fall right now.

"Hanni, you should be careful we could both fall and break our waist" Minji sighs.

"Sorry, I was just excited" Hanni says as she wraps her arms around Minji's neck and wraps her legs around Minji's waist.

"I was out for 5 hours only but you are acting like you saw me after 5 years" Minji laughs and walks to the couch carefully and slowly carrying Hanni so she wouldn’t lose her balance.

"I am just clingy and miss you when you are not with me" Hanni kisses Minji's lips softly.

"I miss you too" Minji kisses Hanni's lips back and makes her sit on the couch as she sits beside her.

"Where's my flower?" Hanni excitedly asks.

"Actually today I brought roses for you" Minji hands Hanni a bouquet of roses.

"Roses? Why roses?" Hanni takes the bouquet.

"One year ago on this day we met each other for the first time at our uni. So I thought I should probably bring you roses for that" Minji says.

"Oh my god. You remembered it?" Hanni smiles.

"Obviously. Why wouldn’t I" Minji runs her fingers through Hanni's bangs to fix them.

"I just thought that you wouldn’t remember it" Hanni sniffs the flowers to smell the scent of it. 

"Nope. I definitely remember each and everything about us. Especially about you" Minji kisses the side of Hanni's forehead.

"This is why you are the best girlfriend ever" Hanni says and puts the bouquet on the table before hugging Minji and pushing her down so Minji can fall on the couch as she hovers on the top of Minji.

"No way when you exist" Minji smiles.

"Nope, you are way better than me" Hanni argues.

"Never, you are literally the best" Minji argues back

"Minji if you don't stop arguing then I am gonna…." Hanni glares at Minji.

"Then you are gonna what?" Minji wiggles her brows.

Hanni smashes her lips on Minji's lips to make her shut up. Minji isn’t surprised or something because she is used to this. Hanni would always kiss her to make her shut up if she talks back or tries to tease her. This is the reason Minji always admits her defeat because there is no way she can argue after getting kissed by Hanni. 

"See? This is why you shouldn’t argue with me" Hanni pulls away and proudly looks at Minji for winning.

"Probably this is why I should try to argue with you to feel your lips" Minji slides the hair from Hanni's shoulder. Then she lightly holds Hanni's nape to pull her closer and places her lips on Hanni's neck, not giving any sign of pulling away.

This makes Hanni blush heavily. She closes her eyes and grips onto Minji's t-shirt tightly. In general she is the bold one among them and Minji is the calm one. But when Minji sometimes get bold it becomes too much for Hanni to handle. She doesn’t know why because it's the same person to whom she gets bold.

Hanni can feel her face getting warmer to the point she can literally fry an egg by putting it on her face because of the movements of Minji's lips on her neck. Her breaths become heavy and she feels like she is gonna burst off anytime soon. 

Inseparable [Bbangsaz]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα