Look what you made me do

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The elevator ride to my house always seems eternal

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The elevator ride to my house always seems eternal. The white light that flashes every few seconds and the noise of the motor only make things worse.

I just came from looking at wedding dresses with my mother-in-law so I come with an unbearable headache. She has spent all her time telling me how I had to lose weight and what looked good or bad on me. I need a burger and to go to sleep.

I put the key in the lock and open the door, expecting to find Paolo in the living room or in the kitchen. I don't and that surprises me, he told me that he was not going to move from home.

I leave my bag and keys at the entrance and go to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. I hear noise from the room, perhaps he has decided to end the night early.

-I'm exhausted, I know she's your mother but she has gotten on my nerves today.

When I don't receive an answer from him It seems strange to me. I leave the kitchen and head to the bedroom. The door is half closed so I open it.

I shouldn't have opened it.

There in bed was my fiancé, covered only with the sheet. This would have been a sight for sore eyes if it hadn't been for the brunette who's trying to get her panties on at the foot of our bed.

-What the fuck is this Paolo?- I say with a monotonous tone of voice.

-It's not what it seems cielo.

-Dont fucking cielo me. Were you really cheating on me? On our own bed?- I accuse him.

-I can explain!- He tries to get closer to me but realizes that he's still naked so he sits down again.

-I dont want to hear it- I say sharp- Did you know he had a girlfriend?- I ask turning to the girl.

The girl who had managed to get dressed in record time by the way, shakes her head.

-I met him on a bar tonight. I'm really sorry about all this.- She looked really embarrassed, I felt sorry for her.

-Okay, go away, you don't have to put up with this.

The girl said sorry one more time and left the house as quickly as possible. When I heard the door shut I looked at Paolo again, crossing my arms.

-You are a piece of shit you know it? I've been putting up with your mother all afternoon because you asked me to go, even though you know full well that she hates me and you've been sleeping with another girl?

He tried to say something but I didn't have the energy to listen.

-Shut the fuck up because I'm not finished- I cut him.- Not only that But it wasn't even that you had another relationship, no, it was just a quickie and in our own house. So it makes me think that this wasn't the only time.

His silence gave him away. He doesn't even try to make excuses anymore.

-Unbelievable- I take the engagement ring off my finger and throw it at him- I want you out of the house inmediately, you know full well I pay the bills.

I go to the closet where I grab an overnight bag and head back to bed. He had already dressed from the waist down at least.

-Where is your key- I tell him extending my hand.

-Valentina we can fix this- he pleads. Was this guy for real?

-We can, but I dont want to- I look in the nightstand but I can't find it- Where is your key.

-Why do you want it? This is my house too- Oh so we're with this now?

-You living here doesnt make this house yours. I pay the bills, my name is in the contract, this is not your house.

I run a hand over my face frustrated.

-And I dont want you coming here ever again after you leave in the morning so please Paolo, for the love of God. Give me your fucking key- I was getting tired of this. Today has been a really long day.

He got up from the bed and went to his jacket, pulling the key out of the pocket. He didn't even deign to give it to me, he just threw it at me.

- That wasnt that hard was it?- I say with sarcasm.

I sent a quick text to my sister to tell her I was on my way and went back to get my coat off the rack.

-You're going to regret this. Honestly you wont be able to live without me.- he said while following me to the entrance.

-I will tell you this once, so use the little brain you have to listen carefuly. I dont need you on my live. You have asked for this and I hope that karma gives you back what you deserve.

I didn't even let him answer leaving the house and slamming the door trying to keep the composure. I took the subway since I had forgotten my car keys and honestly right now I would be a danger behind the wheel.

My sister didn't live very far so it didn't take her more than 20 minutes to find me knocking on her door.

-He cheated on me Miriam!- I say as soon as she opens the door.

-He did what!?- My sister closed the door angry and followed me waiting for more information.

-I walked on him with another girl on our bed.

-I will kill him- Nia, my sister in law who was listening to everything from the living room said. She was going to take her jacket but Miri stopped her.

-Babe, he's not worth our time

-Miri, I've been wanting to kick that idiot's face ever since we had that incident at Christmas- whats the incident will you ask? Well we dont talk about it for a reason.

-Love, I would like nothing more than to see you punch that idiot in the face but we are civilized people, remember?- my sister in law rolled her eyes at this, not looking really content with this.

-If you find him on the street, I give you permission to run him over- She seems to think it over until she finally nodded.

-Fine by me- she said- Girls if you need me I'll be making dinner.

Miri took the bag of clothes from me and led me into the living room. I sat on the couch resting my head in my hands.

-Hey its alright- she said with a hand on my back drawing circles- it'll be alright.

All the barriers that I had built collapse. Four years of my life. Four fucking years of my life wasted.

-What if it was my fault? What if I pushed him away?

-Valentina look at me- I do as I'm told And I am immediately transported to my childhood. She has the same expression she used to make when we were little and she wanted to put something in my head -That guy is a douche, we only put up with him because you loved him. It was not your fault.

-How could I not see something was wrong?

-They say love is blind for a reason. - she dried a tear from my cheek.

-I fucking hate love then.

-I fucking hate love then

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