Something just like this

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Carlos grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the exit, dodging people who were dancing on the floor

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Carlos grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the exit, dodging people who were dancing on the floor.

When we finally made it out the cold night air hit me in the face. I hate how hot it always is in clubs.

-So...where are we going?- I said turning to him

-I honestly didn't think I would get this far.

-Are you for real?- I cant help but laugh at this. It was his idea after all.

-What? I didn't think I could pull up someone like you!- he said pointing at me.

-Someone like me?- I crossed my arms with a frown. He invited me for a walk and now that he sees me under the street lights he calls me ugly?

-Fucking stunning!-...that was smooth I will give him that

-Okay I will take the complinent.- I turn around so he doesn't see that I'm blushing.- Lets just walk that way, we could go to el retiro.

-Isn't it that way?- he said pointing to the other side.

-I know exactly where the...-I turned around to see where he was pointing. Yes, he was right. I would blame this to the vodka but I'm just shit at knowing where everything is- Nevermind you're right lets go.

We began to walk there and a shiver ran through my body. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea not to bring a jacket. I hugged myself to try and stay warm when I noticed a piece of clothing fall around my shoulders.

Carlos had taken off the jacket he was wearing, leaving only his black shirt.

-You dont have to give me your jacket, I should have brought one.

-And risk that you accuse me of letting you freeze to death? No chance.

-Fine then. Thank you.

We keep walking talking about unimportant things until we reach the park. Instead of looking for a bench Carlos threw himself right there on the grass.

-Are you going to stay looking at me all night?- he said resting his head in one of his arms- Come lay here, the sky is beautiful.

-It's going to stain everything.- I point to my clothes.

-Clothes get washed, live a little Val.

I decided to listen to him and lie down next to him. He was right, even being in the city you could see the stars.

-You were right, it is beautiful- I wisper. I dont need to be wispering but the moment needed it.

-Look, we can see Cassiopea from here.


-There, the one that looks like an m.- he pointed to the sky but I didnt know what he was talking about.

Serendipitous ~ Carlos SainzWhere stories live. Discover now