This is me trying

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Carlos POV

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Carlos POV

I kept looking at the empty spot next to me in bed wishing she was here. I know she needs her space but I miss everything about her.

I decide that it is time to get up since it will not bring me anything good to be lying here without doing anything and after eating a quick bite I decided to start my morning with a run.

We were at the end of December and without a doubt it was noticeable because of how cold it was. Damn, how I miss Thailand's sun.

I stretch my calves before starting my routine. I would not like to get injured just before the preseason.

The cold air fills my lungs with each breath that I take. The hard asphalt against my feet while I run through the same path I have gotten used to train since I first came to Italy.

I deviated from my route deciding to go to the town. I was staying in a house near the mountain, enjoying the fresh air and nature.

I pass by a small store where something in the window catch my attention. There were two rings, one with a sun and the other with a moon. They are not constellations but... It's too early for this, isn't it? Carlos, you haven't even kissed her yet come on.

Well I'm going to buy it and if she doesn't like it I'll give them to one of my sisters or something.

I enter the store and a lady gives me a smile and says good morning.

-Could I get the rings from the front?- I say pointing to the rings.

-Of course- she nods and goes to take them- A gift for a special someone?- she said while putting them in a little bag.

You have no idea how much.

-Definitely special, yes- I say with a small smile paying for the rings- Thank you so much.

I put the bag in my pocket and resume my way back to the house. The shops and bars were already beginning to fill up with the townspeople beginning their morning.

I could see the house in the distance but there was something strange. Next to my car there was another one, that was not mine.

I decide to jog and see who it was. My eyes must be deceiving me because there, at my entrance was the person who I wanted to find me the most.

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Serendipitous ~ Carlos SainzWhere stories live. Discover now