Part 5❣️

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Noor-e-Haya POV:
I'm now here with him sitting in his car dolled up against my wishes. He took my hand from my lap. I tried multiple times to pull it back but no avail he is much stronger than me.
He is making me hate being a girl. So helpless Infront of him. At his mercy.

We reached and he gave me Instructions like I'm a child.
"Behave otherwise it's not going to end well for that pretty boy Hamza"
"You promised to not harm my family"
"I did and I'm a man of my words"
"Then why are you threatening him"
"Last time i checked he is not your family"

I entered with him holding my waist. It looks like a party.
"Stay with me at all cost. People here are very dangerous." He said.
He introduced me to all of his friends and associates. Me being an obedient wife smile. Sigh. I still have no idea what he does.

This party gave me an opportunity to check on my family. I told sikandar I'm going to washroom and thankfully he didn't protest.

I met a guy on the way to the bathroom and i asked for his phone. He gave me without any question.
i immediately called my father thank god they are okay. I gave him his phone back.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?" He asked. I was about to reply when i voice came from behind me.

"This pretty girl is here with her husband Got any problem with that?"
"You shouldn't left pretty girl like her alone. World is full of bad people" The other guy spoke.

What's up with both of them. I feel like a tension. What am i missing here? Sikandar came and held my elbow and dragged me away.

"What's your problem? Leave me. You are hurting me." But no avail. It felt like he is not listening to me. He made me sit in the car and asked

"What were you doing with me. I told you not to leave my side. Why don't you listen to me?"
"He just met me on the way. I asked him way to the bathroom"
"Whatever just stay away from him He is dangerous"
"Dangerous like you"
"Yes princess but you are stuck with me"

What's his problem. First he made me come here against my wish and now bossing me around. Idiot.

Next day:
I was sitting on the sofa eating chips when Sikandar called me.
"Can you press these clothes for me?" Without waiting for reply he went to take a shower.

Me? Pressing his clothes. In his dreams. I put the iron in the middle of his shirt until a hole formed . Then i burnt the shirt sleeves. I am now satisfied with my work and hanged the shirt outside the bathroom. Now he will get a taste to myself.

Smirking i again sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. He came out wearing only a Towel.
"Princess did you really think you can get away with your little stunt"
"What are you doing? Get away from me."
"No princess it's time to punish you"

I was going to run but he held me down. I felt something wet on my lips. He is kissing me. I tried to push him away but he is too strong. i am out of breath he left my lips for a second to let me catch my breath and again began his assault on my lips.

Finally he pulled away.
"Do you want to suffocate me?" i shouted.
"I want to do more than that and don't raise your voice at me"

Ullu ka patha.
I checked my face and my lips are swollen and it's all due to him. He kept on smirking the whole day seeing my swollen lips.

He gave me a phone today i didn't want to take it but i want to check on my family and Hamza. He got shot. I Logged in my accounts. I was watching old pictures of me and Hamza when my phone was snatched from my hands.

Why are you looking at his pictures?
None of your business.

He suddenly smashed the phone on the ground. He held my shoulders and spoke angrily.

"You are my wife religiously and lawfully. You are not allowed to talk to other men , speak to other men , look at other men or even talk to other men"
"I'm no wife of yours"
" What did you say? I dare you to repeat it'
"I'm not your wife i want a divorce you forcefully married me"
"You want a fucking Divorce." He dragged me to the room and push me on the bed.

"You are stuck with me till i am dead so start Praying i die early because that is the only way to get rid of me"
He went out and locked the door.

I started sobbing loudly. God why are you doing this to me? Why am i getting humiliated by that man on daily basis. Bruises are started to form on my hands. He held my hands so tightly.  I miss Baba and Mama. I want to run away. I'm so tired. I slipped into sleep because that's the only escape from my mess of a life.

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I'm lacking motivation nowadays.

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