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Areeba's POV:

My mother has a late shift so i invited Abubakar to my house. Originally we were going to his house because his parents are never even if they are they don't give a shit. We are going to bake together. I have been wanting to bake for a long time but I don't know how to. And I can't be left unsupervised. Last time i tried to make scrambled eggs and i set my kitchen on fire. Ever since then I have been banned from the kitchen. So when Abubakar told me he knows how to bake i just jumped at the opportunity.

I bought ton of ingredients which i think goes into cupcake.
"You do know we are only making cupcakes for two people and not feeding an army"
"Why is it too much?" I am genuinely confused. I just want everything to be enough. To be honest i don't think it is that much.
"You bought 30 eggs"
"So how many eggs go in a cupcake?"
"Like 4" Oh That is why the lady at the cash counter was looking at me weird.

Abubakar is telling me the recipe. How to mix and how much stuff is needed. Every word of his is flying over my head. I thought baking was easy. You pour in stuff you mix them and then put it in the oven. Viola. I didn't you have to check each and everything. The measurement the temperature. I try to pay attention believe me i did but i failed.
"I give up cooking and baking is not my cup of tea" Abubakar start laughing.
"Baby you don't need to worry about anything when i am here you just sit and enjoy like a queen you are" He made me sit on the kitchen counter. He put a spoon in my mouth so that i can taste the mixture. Yup it's so delicious.
"You are a chef too. It is not fair"
"At least i am not good at bowling"
"I will take that" At least there is something i am better at than him.

Finally cupcakes are done. They are so delicious. Abubakar ate 6 cupcakes and he doesn't look like he is stopping anytime soon. Abubakar should be kept away from sugar if we don't want him to get diabetes. I still wonder how doesn't he already had them. I still remember how much cotton candy he ate when we went to the amusement park.

"I am tired" I whined.
"Really because you were sitting on the counter the whole time" I giggled. What can i say resting is hard. The clean up duty is on me.  Thankfully Abubakar has not made that much of a mess. I only have to wash the dishes and clean the shelves. Abubakar is on his 8 cupcakes. I took the rest of the cupcakes from his hands.

"Hey" He yelped.
"No more I don't want your teeth to fall off"
"Won't you be with the toothless me?"
"No i will not" i put my hand on his back and hugged him.

We were so immersed in each other that we didn't even hear the sound of front door opening.
"What the hell is happening here?" My mother shouted. We both jerked away from each other. My mother caught my wrist to pull me away from Abubakar. I felt a tingling sensation on my cheek. She slapped me. My mother who has not even once raised her finger on me from my childhood slapped me. Abubakar tried to talk to my mother but i raised my hand to silence him.

"I have sacrificed my whole life for you. I told you multiple times to stay away from him. I trusted you when you said you have no contact with him and you lied to me on my face. For all my hard work you are giving me this in return? Not only you continued your relationship with him but you called me in my house behind mt back" Mama shouted.
Tears are streaming out of face but i have to stay strong.

"Why mama is love forbidden?"
"Yes with him it is forbidden"
"Why mama? Tell me why do you despise him he  has been nothing but nice to you"
"You want to know why i despise him i will tell you he is the son of Ahmed Gulzar who used to be your father's business partner" I didn't know that and from the look on Abubakar's face neither did he.
"Do you know how your father died"
"Yes from heart attack "
"No he had cancer and in his absence his father Ahmed stole all the business and refuse to give a single penny when we needed it for the medicine"
I am in shock. My whole body is shivering.
"Abubakar go" He is still standing here.
"Just go" He listened to me and went out of the house. I ran to my room and locked myself all of this is too much to take in. My head is throbbing.

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