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Areeba's POV:

I am walking on the campus when i heard someone calling my name. I turn around to see it is Abubakar who is speedily walking towards me. I ignored him. I start walking fast. I entered the classroom. Abubakar entered a minute later. He is walking towards me. I need to think of an excuse. Fast.

"Are you ignoring me?"
"No what makes you say that?"
"I called you multiple times but you didn't listen"
"Oh really i didn't hear you" This is the best excuse i have came up with in 5 seconds but it is good enough for Abubakar because he seems satisfied with my answer. How do i get rid of him? Mama warned me in the morning too. Abubakar kept on talking but i only hummed in reply. He must have gotten the idea that i wasn't in the mood to talk because he fell silent.

I picked up my bag and ran out of the room. I didn't give Abubakar the chance to talk to him. The god i have no more lecture with him. I don't know how long i can avoid him but it is working for the time being.

My mama is already waiting to pick me up.
"Did you talk to him?" That is the first thing she asked.
"No i didn't" She nodded. She is pretty serious about this. She is never this possessive. I don't know what happened. Before she never stopped me from talking to any guy.

Abubakar has texted me multiple times but i haven't replied to him once. I have finished the rest of the  project myself and e-mailed him.
"I thought we were going to finish it together"
"No worries i finished it by myself" I replied. Before he could say more I cut the call.

I avoided him like a plague for a week. I made sure to sit in the class in a spot where he couldn't sit next to me. He tried to talk to me multiple times but i think he gave up because he hasn't made a move on me for the past 2 days. I am walking in the hallway when someone held my wrist and pulled me in a class and locked the door.

"Kya Batamezi ha (What is this nonsense)?"
"You tell me you think i don't know you are ignoring me?"
"Don't you dare deny it. I am not letting you go until you tell me"

I told him the whole story how mama stopped me and surprisengly he was very accepting about it.
"I guess not every is impressed by my charm"
"Can we still remain friends if that is okay with me? You know how all the girls here are but you are the only who is not affected by my charm" If only he knew.
"Yeah sure i would love that" Sorry Mom.

I extended my hand and shook it laughing. He showed me his basketball skills and he is really good with it. No surprises there. His muscles flexes whenever he dunks the ball. I am having a very hard time keeping my eyes off of him. I blame my hormones. My periods have not come yet it must be that. Abubakar smirked when he caught me staring. I averted my eyes. I am not like one those girls. I repeated this mantra in my head.

We have planned to go to a amusement park at the end of this week. The only problem is getting my mother to agree. This is the first time in my life i am going behind her back.

I am starting to like my time with Abubakar. I am even looking forward to spend time with him. Some may say that i am falling in love with him. But that is not true. Or that is what i hope.

Abubakar with me is a complete different human being. He makes joke and is free. Whenever someone approaches him his facial expressions changes. He goes into a shell.

"Why are you hiding your funny side from everyone? "
"This side of mine is only reserved for you" He winked.
"Are you flirting with me?"
"Is it working?"
I start laughing.

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In the end it's Him and Iحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن