Part 9❣️

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Noor-e-Haya POV:

I begged Sikandar to have a reception. He doesn't want to have one because he said it's too dangerous but i want too. I wanted to have a grand wedding but Sikandar ruined my plans which i haven't forgiven Sikandar for. He agreed when i started crying.

So now we are doing valima dress shopping. Asma is here too. I told sikandar he doesn't have to come but he wanted too now i can tell he is regretting it. Me and  Asma are torturing him on purpose dragging him to every shop.

"Princess can it we go home now"
"No i need to buy shoes"
"Still" he grumped
"If you hate it that much you can go home" i said with fake anger.
"No No I'm fine"

Sikandar is trailing behind us holding our bags. We are invited yo my parents house for dinner. So we went there directly after shopping.

My father still haven't forgiven Sikandar for what he did on the other hand my mother has wholeheartedly accepted Sikandar.

My mother asked Sikandar about his work. i said "Import export" before Sikandar could speak up. I don't want to worry my parents by telling what he do actually. Sikandar looked at me thankfully.

After dinner my parents asked me to stay the night. I looked at Sikandar and he shook his head.
I told my parents.
"OK i will stay the night"
Sikandar groaned thankfully my parents didn't hear it.

I showed Sikandar my childhood room. He caught my hand and locked the room. I was trapped between him and the wall.
"Why did you say Yes when i clearly refused"
"It's for one night only"
"I don't want to be away from you even for one Minute"
"But they are parents na"
"And I'm your husband"

Suddenly there came a knock on my door. Sikandar immediately left me. I opened the door. It was my mother. She was asking if Sikandar wants to drink tea but Sikandar denied. Sikandar has to leave because he has to meet someone for the reception venue.

My mother came to me for a mother daughter talk.
"How is Sikandar treating you? You know your wedding was not in favorable condition"
"Surprisingly very well he is a very short tempered person"
"That's so good to know me and your papa was worried"

We spent a hour talking. My father came to me to ask about me i know he wanted to talk more but hasn't got words so i just hugged him to calm him.

I was sleeping when something on my lips. I immediately woke up and someone put their hand on my mouth.
"Don't shout it's me Sikandar"
I calmed myself down. He removed his hand.
"What are you doing here?"
"I couldn't sleep without you"
"How did you come here anyways?"
"Through the window ofcourse and by the way you should close it before sleeping it's not safe" He said casually and lay down beside me.
"Wait what you came through the window"
"Not my first time"
"I used to watch you sleeping before our marriage"
"What a creep"
"Only for you"

I made place for him to sleep as my bed is small but he pulled him towards his chest and put his face in my hair.
"Home" he whispered
It brought a smile to my face and i drifted off to sleep.

When i woke up he was gone. There was a note on my side table.
"Princess there is some work so i have to go i will pick you up at 6"

I went down mama has prepared my favorite breakfast.
"I can't believe my baby is a married women now'
"Mama don't get so emotional in the morning"

Asma came in the evening. She gave me all the gossip of the university that i missed out. I need to have a talk with Sikandar about the university. I know he won't stop me.

Sikandar came exactly at 6. I asked him to come inside but he refused. I took so much time saying goodbye to my parents that Sikandar had to drag me to the car.

"Begum (Wife) ask about your husband too"
"Ji mian jee (Husband) how are you"
"Haye do you want to kill me by calling me mian jee"
I started laughing.
"Why do people call you heartless and rude. I mean you are cute like a teddy bear and about the latter that's true you are ride"
"Princess this side of me is only reserved for you. I'm praying you won't ever have to see my other side"
"I have seen that side once"
"Princess that wasn't even close to being the worst"

This shut up. Is this really true? I mean he can be pretty ruthless but he never shows that side to me.

"Have you decided the date about the reception?" I asked to fill the silence"
"Yes this friday"
"Isn't that too soon i still haven't finished my shopping"
"What do you mean by you haven't what's with the million stuff you bought at the mall"
"That wasn't even half the stuff"
"Astaghfirullah (God forbid)"

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