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Areeba's POV:

I have convinced my mom that i am going on a group study this weekend and she agreed easily. That is surprising because mom knows i have got no friends. Abubakar is waiting for me at the end of the block. He has been teasing me the whole week how i am 22 still scared shitless of my mother. He even went as far as comparing with my mother with a hitler. I entered his car.
"Hi to you too. Ready for the fun" I nodded my head in excitement.

We enter the amusement park. Did i tell you i have a height phobia. Abubakar wants to go zip lining. I agreed reluctantly. I hope my height phobia does not kick it now. We are all buckled up. My hand is constantly shivering. Abubakar noticed it and held my hand. His hand is warm comparatively to cold hands.
"Are you okay?" I should tell him. What if i die?
"I have height phobia" He looks shocked
"Why did not you tell me?"
"Awein (no reason)"
"Do you still want to go?" I nodded my head.
"Let's face your fears"

I asked the person multiple times to check if the ropes are buckled up right. I think he got a little frustrated. He told me if I don't want to go I am free to leave the line. Abubakar chuckled behind me.
"You find this funny" I stared angrily at him which shut him up.

Finally it is my turn. Abubakar pushed me from the back because I refused to move. Initial 5 seconds was very difficult. Finally I have overcame my fear. I opened my eyes. The scene beneath me looks so magical. Everything looks so small. I can not believe i was missing out on this. Finally the ride ended. Abubakar was already waiting for me. He helped me unbuckle.

Our next stop was at cotton candy shop. Abubakar ate 5 pieces. He told me whenever he comes here he eats atleast 10 pieces. He is going to get diabetes by time he is 30. I saw a photo booth and i immediately ran towards it like a little kid.

"Hey don't run here you can get lost"
"Did you forget the fact that we own phone"
"Still don't run like that i don't want to lose you" Why do i feel this sentence has dual meaning because with the intensity he said it.

We took multiple pictures in so many different poses.
"This is my favorite one" i pointed towards a pic in which we both are smiling at the camera. I think i should head home it is getting very late. Abubakar still doesn't want to go home. Based on what he told me his parents are not very strict. He is not close to either of them Because they are rarely home travelling all over the world doing business deals. They are loaded like literally.

My phone starting ringing. It is Mama.
"Areeba where are you it is getting dark"
"Yeah mama i am going"
"Should i come pick you up?"
"Noo.. i mean no i will manage"

I asked Abubakar to drop me off. He wanted to get ice cream but i refused. I just want to go home. Abubakar dropped me on the same spot he picked me up earlier.

"Hey i had a really great time today. I hope we do this again in the future if your mother doesn't have a problem"
"Me too"

I unlocked the door and entered.
"So how was your group study" Great the inspection began already.
"It was really great"
"So glad to hear that but i have got one question"
"You left your books on your side table then how did you study"
Oh dang it. Think of an excuse areeba quickly.
"I studied on my friend's laptop"
"Areeba i hope you are not lying i am letting you go but don't lose my trust on you. Do you understand?" I nodded my head.

My mama has felt something off. This is the first time in my life i am lying to her so i don't have the best lying skills. But I can't leave Abubakar. Whenever i am with him i feel happy and free. I don't know what am i going to do. God help me. I wish baba was here. I miss him.

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